City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.10.090 Initial application procedure.

(A) The city manager shall adopt detailed objective review criteria such as a point system or equivalent quantitative evaluation scale tied to each set of review criteria ("review criteria"), to govern the commercial cannabis business permit(s) application process. The city manager shall be authorized to prepare the necessary forms, adopt any necessary rules to the application, regulations and processes, solicit applications, and conduct initial evaluations of the applicants.

(B) At the time of filing, each applicant shall pay an application fee established by resolution of the city council, to reimburse the city for all costs incurred in the application process.

(C) After the initial review, ranking, and scoring under the review criteria, the city manager will make a final determination in accordance with this section.

(D) The City's Reservation of Rights. The city reserves the right to reject any or all applications. Prior to permit issuance, the city may also modify, postpone, or cancel any request for applications, or the entire program under this chapter, at any time without liability, obligation, or commitment to any party, firm, or organization, to the extent permitted under California state law. Persons submitting applications assume the risk that all or any part of the program, or any particular category of permit potentially authorized under this chapter, may be cancelled at any time prior to permit issuance. The city further reserves the right to request and obtain additional information from any candidate submitting an application. In addition to any other justification provided a failure to comply with other requirements in this chapter, an application risks being rejected for any of the following reasons:

(1) Proposal received after designated time and date; or

(2) Proposal not containing the required elements, exhibits, nor organized in the required format; or

(3) Proposal considered not fully responsive to this request for permit application.