City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.10.070 Cannabis employee permit required.

(A) Prior to offering employment to a cannabis employee candidate, the cannabis business shall conduct a pre-screening process of the successful candidate.

(B) Any person who is an employee or who otherwise works within a commercial cannabis business must be legally authorized to do so under applicable state law.

(C) Any person who is an employee or who otherwise works within a commercial cannabis business must obtain a commercial cannabis employee work permit from the city prior to performing any work at any commercial cannabis business.

(D) Applications for a commercial cannabis employee work permit shall be developed, made available, and processed by the city manager and shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:

(1) Name, address, and phone number of the applicant;

(2) Age and verification of applicant. A copy of a birth certificate, driver's license, government issued identification card, passport or other proof that the applicant is at least twenty-one years of age must be submitted with the application;

(3) Name, address of the commercial cannabis business where the person will be employed, and the name of the primary manager of that business;

(4) A list of any crimes enumerated in California Business and Professions Code Section 26057(b)(4) for which the applicant or employee has been convicted;

(5) Name, address, and contact person for any previous employers from which the applicant was fired, resigned, or asked to leave and the reasons for such dismissal or firing;

(6) The application shall be accompanied by fingerprints and a recent photograph of the applicant in a form and manner as required by the city manager;

(7) A signed statement under penalty of perjury that the information provided is true and correct;

(8) If applicable, verification that the applicant is a qualified patient or primary caregiver;

(9) A fee paid in an amount set by resolution of the city council in an amount necessary to cover the costs of administering the employee work permit programs. The fee is non-refundable and shall not be returned in the event the work permit is denied or revoked.

(E) The city manager shall review the application for completeness, shall conduct a background check to determine whether the applicant was convicted of a crime or left a previous employer for reasons that show the applicant:

(1) Has committed any act involving dishonesty, fraud, or deceit, as defined in Section 480 of the Business and Professions Code; or

(2) Has committed a felony or misdemeanor involving fraud, deceit, embezzlement; or

(3) Was convicted of a violent felony, a crime of moral turpitude; and/or

(4) The illegal use, possession, transportation, distribution or similar activities related to controlled substances, as defined in the Federal Controlled Substances Act, except for cannabis related offenses for which the conviction occurred after the passage of the Compassionate Use Act of 1996.

Discovery of these facts showing that the applicant is dishonest or has been convicted of those types of crimes are grounds for denial of the permit. Where the applicant's sentence (including any term of probation, incarceration, or supervised release) for possession of, possession for sale, sale, manufacture, transportation, or cultivation of a controlled substance is completed, such underlying conviction shall not be the sole ground for denial of a commercial cannabis work permit. Furthermore, an applicant shall not be denied a permit if the denial is based solely on any of the following:

1. A conviction for any crime listed in subsection (D)(4) of this section for which the applicant has obtained a certificate of rehabilitation pursuant to Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 4852.01) of Title 6 of Part 3 of the California Penal Code; or

2. A conviction that was subsequently dismissed pursuant to Section 1203.4, 1203.4a, or 1203.41 of the California Penal Code or any other provision of state law allowing for dismissal of a conviction.

(F) The city manager shall issue the commercial cannabis work permit or a written denial to the applicant within thirty days of the date the application was deemed complete. In the event the cannabis work permit cannot be issued within this time period, the city manager may issue a temporary work permit for an employee upon completing a preliminary background check and if the business can demonstrate to the city manager that the employee is necessary for the operation of the business. The temporary permit may be immediately revoked by the city manager upon determination that the applicant has failed the background check or upon the issuance of the permanent work permit.

(G) A work permit shall be valid for a twelve-month period and must be renewed on an annual basis. Renewal applications shall contain all the information required in subsection B of this section, including the payment of a renewal application fee in an amount to be set by resolution of the city council.

(H) In the event a person changes employment from one commercial cannabis business in the city to another, the work permit holder shall notify the city manager in writing of the change within ten days, or the work permit shall be suspended or revoked, and such person shall not be permitted to work at any commercial cannabis business in the city.

(I) The city may immediately revoke the commercial cannabis work permit should the permit holder be convicted of a crime listed in subsections C and D of this section or if facts become known to the city manager that the permit holder has engaged in dishonest activities.

(J) The city manager is hereby authorized to enforce all regulations necessary to implement the work permit process and requirements.

(K) The applicant may appeal the denial or revocation of a commercial cannabis work permit by filing a notice of appeal with the city clerk within ten days of the date the applicant received the notice of denial; which appeal shall be conducted as set forth in Section 5.10.140 of this chapter.

(L) The city manager shall issue a permit in the form of a personal identification card that can be worn in a prominent and visible location. The identification card shall be maintained in good and readable condition at all times.