City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.04.410 License fees—Flat rate.

Every person transacting and carrying on the businesses enumerated in this section shall pay a license fee as follows:


(A) Billboards, signs not fixed on places of business: one hundred dollars per structure or sign.

(B) Distributing handbills: one hundred dollars annually, or fifty dollars monthly, or twenty-five dollars daily.

(C) Sound trucks: two hundred dollars annual fee per truck, or fifty dollars daily fee per truck.

(D) Klieg lights: one hundred fifty dollars per year per light, or at licensee's option, fifteen dollars per day per light.


Auctioneers not having a fixed place of business in the city, two hundred fifty dollars per year, or at the option of the licensee, twenty-five dollars per day.

Card Rooms.

One hundred fifty dollars per table per year.

Carnivals, Fairs.

Two hundred dollars for the first day and one hundred fifty dollars for each additional day, for the first ten or fewer concessions; plus thirty dollars for the first day and twenty dollars for each additional day for each concession in excess of ten. For the purpose of this section, "concession" means any amusement ride, booth, exhibit, stall, tent, trailer, or stand which charges any fee for the ride, service or product offered.


Two hundred dollars per day.

Commercial Filming.

On city streets or other city property, as follows:

Persons Employed at Location Rate per Day
1 — 3 $100.00
4 — 6 200.00
7 — 9 400.00
10 and over 600.00

Traffic-control costs or any additional costs as required by the chief of police shall be paid entirely by the applicant.


Every person engaged in the business of contracting which requires a state contractors' license shall pay a business license as follows:

(A) General contractors, one hundred dollar annual fee;

(B) Subcontractors, fifty dollar annual fee;

(C) Business licenses for general contractors and subcontractors may be obtained semi-annually.

Living Accommodations.

Every person transacting or engaged in the rental of four or more dwelling units in any apartment house, roominghouse, houses for rent, or other living accommodations shall pay an annual fee of twelve dollars per unit, provided that hotels and motels shall be on the gross receipts basis, Class B.

Mobilehome, Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Parks.

Twelve dollars per space per year.

Peddlers and Solicitors.

(A) Principal, two hundred dollar annual fee.

(B) Each additional solicitor or peddler, ten dollars quarterly.

Sales Representatives.

Every person engaged in the business of soliciting of orders for sales or services by a nationally franchised business (such as AVON) wherein solicitation only occurs by previous appointment, shall pay a business license fee of twenty-five dollars per year.


(A) Taxicab operator's license, sixty dollar annual fee;

(B) Taxicab vehicles, per vehicle, twenty-five dollar annual fee.