City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.04.100 Grounds for revocation.

A license may be revoked on any one or more of the following grounds:

(A) Any facts exist upon which a denial of such license would be authorized;

(B) The licensee, or any agent or employee of the licensee has been convicted of violating any of the terms of this chapter, or any regulation, or of any law, statute, rule, order or regulation of the state, now or hereafter in force regulating the occupation or other activity for which the license was issued;

(C) The licensee obtained the license by fraudulent misrepresentations;

(D) If the license authorizes engaging in the business of repairing any property, such as radios, television, or vehicles, the licensee, or any agent or employee of the licensee has stolen, or been convicted of the theft of, such property or any part thereof;

(E) The licensee has been guilty of, or has been convicted of, fraud, false advertising or other misrepresentation, including misstatement of the work done, such as: (1) the installation of old, or second-hand parts and the charging for new parts; or (2) charging for parts not installed or any other misdealing, dishonesty, or willful failure to comply with the terms of any contract made as a part of the exercise of the occupation or activity licensed;

(F) The mutilation of any serial number, engine number, or other number or identifying mark on any property of other person, handled by the licensee in the course of the licensed business;

(G) Conspiracy with any person to do anything described in subsections B, C, D, E or F of this section;

(H) The failure or refusal of the licensee to notify the city manager of any material change in facts concerning the license within thirty days after such change.