City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

4.04.120 Additional information to be provided to property owner.

(A) Review of City's Appraisal by Owner by City. If the property sought to be acquired by the city is owner-occupied residential property and contains no more than four residential units, the owner shall be entitled to review the city's appraisal upon request.

(B) Additional Information to be Provided to Owner by City Upon Request. If after receiving the city's written offer to purchase the property, the owner requests additional information regarding the determination of just compensation, the city shall provide the following information, if it was considered in the city's determination of just compensation:

(1) The date of valuation used;

(2) The highest and best use of the property,

(3) The applicable zoning;

(4) Identification of some of the sales, contracts to sell and purchase, and leases supporting the city's determination of value, including the names and business or residence addresses of the parties to the transaction, the location of the property subject to the transaction, the price and other significant terms of the transaction, if known. The city may make documents related to such transactions available for inspection by the owner at a designated place.

(C) City's Duty to Provide Additional Information Inapplicable After Initiation of Eminent Domain Action. The requirements of subsection B of this section shall not apply after an eminent domain action has been filed in court.