City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

2.50.030 Administration.

(A) City Manager Responsibility. Pursuant to Section 2.08.060 of this code, the city manager shall be responsible for the development, implementation and control, and modification of the human resource practices and procedures which implement and ensure compliance with the provisions and intent of this chapter. In the event any provision of this chapter requires clarification, the city manager may issue administrative instructions clarifying the intent of such provision as adopted by the council.

(B) City Human Resources Practices and Procedures. The city manager shall adopt, and as necessary, modify, the city human resources practices and procedures which incorporate the provisions of this chapter to provide direction to all city employees on human resource management.

(C) Delegation of Responsibility. The city manager may delegate some or all of the human resource responsibilities and duties authorized in this section.

(D) Amendments. Amendments to the personnel policies in this chapter shall be adopted by resolution of the council. Personnel practices and procedures shall be adopted by the city manager or designee. In either case, reasonable advanced written notice, at least thirty days, shall be given to each recognized employee organization affected by any ordinance, rules, resolution, or regulation, or amendment thereof, proposed to be adopted by the council or the city manager. This subsection is optional if not within the scope of representation. Upon request, the city manager or designee shall provide the opportunity to meet with any employee organization regarding amendments affecting wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment, as specified in Chapter 2.52, Employer-Employee Relations, and as specified as being a matter within the scope of representation.

(E) Emergency Provisions. As provided in Section 3500 et seq., of the Government Code, in cases of emergency, when the city council or the city manager determines that amendment(s) to personnel rules or policies must be adopted immediately without prior notice or meeting with a recognized employee organization, the city shall provide such notice and opportunity to meet at the earliest practicable time following adoption by the city council or the city manager.