City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

2.41.070 Electronic campaign disclosure.

(A) Each candidate, candidate controlled committee and independent committee that is required to file a semi-annual campaign statement, a pre-election campaign statement, or an amended campaign statement with the city clerk pursuant to the Political Reform Act, and that receives a total of two thousand dollars or more in contributions or makes a total of two thousand dollars or more in independent expenditures, shall file the statement with the city clerk in an electronic format.

(B) In addition to any other report required by this chapter, all persons subject to the requirements of subsection A. shall file the following reports with the city clerk in an electronic format:

(1) A report disclosing a contribution received by or made to a candidate or local ballot measure, or an independent expenditure made for or against a candidate or local ballot measure, of two thousand dollars or more during an election cycle. The report shall be filed within twenty-four hours of the independent expenditure or receipt of the contribution.

(2) A report disclosing a contribution received by or made to a candidate or a local ballot measure, or an independent expenditure made for or against a candidate or local ballot measure, of two thousand dollars or more at any time other than during an election cycle. The report shall be filed within ten business days of the independent expenditure or receipt of the contribution.

(C) A candidate or committee that has filed an electronic statement or report is not required to file a paper copy.

(D) Once a candidate or committee is subject to the electronic filing requirements imposed by this chapter, the candidate or committee will remain subject to the electronic filing requirements until the candidate or committee files a termination statement pursuant to the Political Reform Act.

(E) Any candidate or committee not required to file an electronic statement or report by this section may voluntarily opt to file an electronic statement or report by submitting written notice to the city clerk's office. A candidate or committee that opts to file an electronic statement or report is not required to file a paper copy.