City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.45.030 Review and approval procedures.

(A) Application. An application for a minor or major modification shall be filed with the community development department on forms prescribed by the director, along with any plans, maps or additional information required by the director. The application shall include, in part, a narrative description of the proposed change(s) and an explanation of why the change(s) is/are sought.

(B) Review and Approval Authority.

(1) A minor modification application shall be reviewed and approved, conditionally approved, or denied by the community development director in accordance with Chapter 19.40, Review and Approval Procedures.

(2) A major modification application shall be reviewed and approved, conditionally approved, or denied by the original decision making authority in accordance with Chapter 19.40.

(C) Terms and Conditions. Any minor or major modification approval may include such terms and conditions as deemed necessary or appropriate by the director or commission to affect the purposes of this title. If no additional terms or conditions are specified, the minor or major modification shall be considered unconditional and valid for an indefinite period.

(D) Required Findings. The director or commission may approve or conditionally approve a modification application if all of the following findings are made:

(1) The modification is in substantial conformity with the previously approved plan or permit, or if the change is substantive, that the revised project is equivalent to the original project design concept in terms of consistency with city design and development standards and policies.

(2) The modification will not create impacts substantially different from those of the previously approved project.

(3) The granting of the modification will not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or to property or residents in the vicinity.

(4) The proposed modification is consistent with the policies and exhibits contained in the general plan.