City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.45.020 Definitions.

(A) A minor modification is defined as a nonsubstantive change of a previously-approved plan or permit. Examples of changes typically considered minor in nature include:

(1) To allow the minor reconfiguration of an architectural feature or features that individually or cumulatively do not modify the previously-approved design theme or plan for the project;

(2) To allow minor changes to approved building footprints within the buildable area of a project site;

(3) To allow the minor reconfiguration or striping of parking lots that will not decrease the number of parking spaces for an approved project;

(4) To allow minor changes in building materials and colors for an approved project;

(5) To allow the addition of minor structures or structural additions to an approved project, provided that such structures will not increase the total buildable area by more than five percent;

(6) To allow the fulfillment of a condition of approval in a manner that may vary from that specified in the original conditions, provided that the intent and purpose of such original condition is fully met;

(7) To allow minor changes to conditions of approval;

(8) Other requests similar to the above-listed minor modifications, as determined by the community development director.

(B) A major modification is defined as a significant revision of a previously-approved plan or permit. Examples include:

(1) An increase in the number of dwelling units proposed in a residential subdivision or development;

(2) A greater than five percent increase in the square footage of an approved structure or use;

(3) A change to the overall architectural design concept of an approved building;

(4) A significant reduction in site landscaping or open space shown on an approved development plan;

(5) A significant reconfiguration of roadway or parking lot design;

(6) A significant increase in grading and earth moving activities;

(7) Significant changes to or deletions of conditions of approval;

(8) Other similar changes of a substantive nature as determined by the community development director.