City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.44.030 Review and approval procedures.

(A) Application. An application for a minor variation shall be filed with the community development department on forms prescribed by the director, along with any plans, maps, or additional information required by the director. The application shall include, in part, evidence supporting the findings required by this chapter.

(B) Review and Approval Authority.

(1) A minor variation application shall be reviewed and approved, conditionally approved, or denied by the community development director in accordance with Chapter 19.40, Review and Approval Procedures, if no other entitlements are required.

(2) If other approvals are necessary, the minor variation shall be filed concurrently with the related entitlement(s) requests, and shall be acted upon by the appropriate decision-making authority for the related entitlement(s).

(C) Required Findings. The community development director, planning commission, and city council may approve or conditionally approve a minor variation application if the following findings are made:

(1) The granting of the minor variation will not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or to property or residents in the vicinity.

(2) The granting of the minor variation will not result in any inconsistencies with the general plan.

(3) The minor variation does not exceed the maximum waiver permitted by this chapter, or allow a use or activity that is not otherwise expressly authorized by the regulations governing the subject parcel.

(4) Either of the following:

(a) The minor variation will promote uniformity in development on the lot or in the area.

(b) The minor variation will alleviate an unreasonable hardship on the property owner or applicant that would result from strict application of the requirements of this title.

(D) Terms and Conditions. Any minor variation approval may include such terms and conditions as deemed necessary or appropriate by the community development director, planning commission, and city council to affect the purposes of this title. If no additional terms or conditions are specified, the minor variation shall be considered unconditional and valid for an indefinite period.