City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.44.020 Applicability.

(A) A minor variation to the following standards may be approved:

(1) Off-street parking and loading requirements in commercial and industrial districts: ten percent maximum waiver of the number of parking spaces required or the amount of landscaped parking area required by Chapter 19.21, Parking and Loading Standards;

(2) On an existing residential lot created prior to the effective date of the incorporation of the city, January 1, 1992, a ten percent maximum waiver to setback, lot coverage, separation between buildings, and building height requirements may be granted for additions to existing structures;

(3) In commercial and industrial districts, a ten percent maximum waiver to setback, lot coverage, separation between buildings, lot dimension, and building height requirements may be granted only in conjunction with the approval of a design permit or use permit approved by the planning commission or city council;

(4) Sign area and height: ten percent deviation from the standards set forth in Chapter 19.23, Sign Regulations.

(B) Any minor variation request that exceeds the prescribed limitation set forth in this chapter shall require the filing of a variance application, pursuant to Chapter 19.43.