City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.38.020 Standards.

In addition to the development standards in the underlying zoning district, emergency shelters shall comply with the standards set forth in this section. In the event of conflict between these standards and the underlying zoning district regulations, the provisions of this section shall apply.

(A) Physical Characteristics.

(1) Compliance with applicable state and local uniform housing and building code requirements.

(2) The facility shall have on-site security during all hours when the shelter is open.

(3) Facilities shall provide exterior lighting on pedestrian pathways and parking lot areas on the property. Lighting shall reflect away from residential areas and public streets.

(4) Facilities shall provide secure areas for personal property.

(B) Limited Number of Beds per Facility. Emergency shelters shall not exceed forty beds.

(C) Limited Terms of Stay. The maximum term of staying at an emergency shelter is six months in a consecutive twelve-month period.

(D) Parking. The emergency shelter shall provide on-site parking at a rate of two spaces per facility for staff plus one space per six occupants allowed at the maximum capacity.

(E) Emergency Shelter Management. A management plan is required for all emergency shelters to address management experience, good neighbor issues, transportation, client supervision, client services, and food services. Such plan shall be submitted to and approved by the community development department prior to operation of the emergency shelter. The plan shall include a floor plan that demonstrates compliance with the physical standards of this chapter. The operator of each emergency shelter shall annually submit the management plan to the planning, inspections and permitting department with updated information for review and approval.