City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.32.150 Manner of providing relocation assistance.

Relocation assistance, where required by the Section 19.32.140, shall be provided in accordance with the following provisions.

(A) Management's Responsibility.

(1) Management shall:

(a) Make available to each resident, at no cost, a reasonably complete and current list of vacant and available mobilehome park spaces or mobilehomes within the city and Napa County; and

(b) Make a reasonable and good faith effort to assure that residents without cars are driven, at no cost, and residents with cars are assisted, in order to inspect replacement spaces or homes; and

(c) Hire an ambulance or similar vehicle, at no cost to the resident, and otherwise take reasonable steps to assist any disabled or handicapped tenants with relocation-related activities; and


(i) Pay a relocation fee in order to assist the recipient in meeting costs of relocation, higher rents for replacement mobilehome park spaces or mobilehomes, and related expenses. For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006 and all subsequent fiscal years, the fee amounts shall be automatically increased by the cost of living increase as determined by the United States Labor Department for the San Francisco/Oakland/Bay Area on an annual basis The adjusted amount shall be rounded to the nearest fifty-dollar increment.

(ii) This payment shall be made as follows:

(A) In the case of a tenant residing in the mobilehome subject to the tenancy agreement who has not located a comparable replacement mobilehome park space by the time the fee is due under this section, a fee of eight thousand dollars to qualified tenants and three thousand two hundred dollars to all other tenants;

(B) In the case of a tenant residing in the mobilehome subject to the tenancy agreement who has located a comparable replacement mobilehome park space by the time the fee is due under this section, a fee of three thousand two hundred dollars;

(C) In the case of a tenant who does not reside in the mobilehome subject to the tenancy agreement, and who has not located a comparable replacement mobilehome park space by the time the fee is due under this section, a fee of four thousand eight hundred dollars to qualified tenants and three thousand two hundred dollars to all other tenants;

(D) In the case of a tenant who does not reside in the mobilehome subject to the tenancy agreement and who has located a comparable replacement mobilehome park space by the time the fee is due under this section, a fee of three thousand two hundred dollars;

(E) In the case of a resident who is not also a tenant, a fee of three thousand two hundred dollars;

(F) The entire fee shall be paid to a person who is the only tenant or resident in a mobilehome. If a mobilehome is occupied by two or more persons, any one of whom is qualified, then each person shall be paid a pro rata share of the fee due. If a mobilehome is occupied by two or more persons, none of whom is qualified, then each person shall be paid a pro rata share of the fee due.

(2) In lieu of the assistance provided for in subsection (A)(1) of this section, management may elect to relocate any tenant or resident into a comparable replacement mobilehome park space or mobilehome, satisfactory to the tenant or resident and pay all actual costs of relocation. A tenant or resident may not unreasonably withhold approval of a replacement mobilehome park space or mobilehome.

(B) When Assistance Is to Be Provided.

(1) General Rule. Where the notice to quit is served after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, the relocation assistance specified above shall be provided at the following times:

(a) The assistance specified in subsections (A)(1)(a) and (d) of this section shall be made available on or before service of the notice to quit.

(b) The assistance specified in subsections (A)(1)(b) and (c) of this section shall be made for at least a sixty-day period prior to the period specified in the notice to quit.

(c) The assistance specified in subsection (A)(2) of this section shall be made available on or before service of the notice to quit.

(2) Special Transition Rule. Where the notice to quit was served on or before the effective date of said ordinance, the relocation assistance specified above shall be provided at the following times:

(a) The assistance specified in subsections (A)(1)(a) and (d) of this section shall be made available either before the effective date of said ordinance or within thirty days thereafter.

(b) The assistance specified in subsections (A)(1)(b) and (c) of this section shall be made available for at least a thirty-day period commencing on or before the effective date of said ordinance.

(c) The assistance specified in subsection (A)(2) of this section shall be made available at any time prior to the first day of trial of any action by the management to recover possession of the mobilehome space or mobilehome.