City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.28.060 City assistance.

The following development concessions may be approved by the decision-making body if it finds that evidence presented by the applicant shows that on-site inclusionary units are financially infeasible due to project size, location or site characteristics, or that the alternative would further housing opportunities for lower-income households to an equal or greater extent. Possible assistance includes the following:

(A) A reduction of site development standards or a modification of zoning code or architectural design requirements which exceed the minimum building standards provided in Part 2.5 (commencing with Section 18901) of Division 13 of the California Health and Safety Code for the inclusionary units. These may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following:

(1) Increase the allowable density limits of the zoning district (i.e., a density bonus);

(2) Reduced minimum lot sizes and/or dimensions;

(3) Reduced minimum lot setbacks;

(4) Reduced minimum outdoor and/or private outdoor living area;

(5) Increased maximum lot coverage;

(6) Increased maximum building height and/or stories;

(7) Reduced on-site parking standards, including the number or size of spaces and garage requirements;

(8) Reduced minimum building separation requirements;

(9) Reduced street standards, e.g., reduced minimum street widths;

(10) Waived, reduced, or deferred planning, plan check, building permit, and/or development impact fees (e.g., capital facilities, park, or traffic fees); or

(11) Any development standard concession not listed above.