City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.28.050 Inclusionary alternatives.

(A) It is the intent of these provisions that the inclusionary units be provided within each project in order to disperse such units throughout the community.

(B) The following alternatives to providing inclusionary units on-site may be approved by the decision-making body if it finds that evidence presented by the applicant shows that on-site inclusionary units are financially infeasible due to project size, location or site characteristics, or that the alternative would further housing opportunities for lower-income households to an equal or greater extent:

(1) The provision of some or all of the required inclusionary units at an off-site location.

(2) The dedication of suitable land to the city, or entity acceptable to the city, for the construction of the inclusionary units. The acceptability of such dedication shall be based on the suitability of the site in terms of location, size, zoning, timing of construction and other applicable factors. The acceptability of such dedication shall also be based on the fair market value of the dedicated land, in comparison to the amount of in-lieu contribution as calculated above.

(3) Acquisition and rehabilitation of existing rental units.

(a) The term of existing rental unit affordability shall be extended fifty-five years longer than any existing affordability term.

(b) The existing units shall be affordable to the same income groups as the on-site inclusionary units that they replace.

(4) Incorporate attached or detached accessory dwelling units (ADUs) into the project.

(5) Provide an affordability term longer than fifty-five years for fewer than fifteen percent of the units.

(6) Provide fewer than fifteen percent inclusionary units, but increase the number of bedrooms in the inclusionary units that are provided.

(7) Provide fewer than fifteen percent inclusionary units, but increase the percentage of lower-income units.

(8) Provide greater than fifteen percent inclusionary overall, but a smaller percentage of lower-income units.

(9) Extend the affordability terms of existing inclusionary units.

(10) Any combination of the above alternatives.

(11) Other alternatives that achieve inclusionary housing not listed above.

(12) As a last resort, the developer may be allowed to pay in-lieu nexus fees.

(a) The in-lieu contribution shall be paid to the city at the issuance of the building permit for each unit.

(b) Such contribution shall be deposited in the city housing fund and can only be used to provide housing affordable to very low and low-income households.