City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.27.050 Parking requirements.

(A) An applicant of a development meeting the criteria of Section 19.27.010(C) may request the city not require a vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of handicapped and guest parking, that exceeds the following ratios:

(1) Zero to one bedroom: one on-site parking space.

(2) Two to three bedrooms: two on-site parking spaces.

(3) Four and more bedrooms: two and one-half parking spaces.

(B) An applicant of a development project meeting the criteria of Section 19.27.010(C), that is located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, and has unobstructed access to the major transit stop may apply for a vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of handicapped and guest parking, that does not exceed one-half on-site parking space per bedroom.

(C) An applicant of a development project that consists solely of rental units affordable lower income households (exclusive of a manager's unit) may apply for a vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of handicapped and guest parking, that does not exceed one-half on-site parking space per unit, and is either:

(1) Located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, and has unobstructed access to the major transit stop; or

(2) A for-rent housing development for individuals who are sixty-two years of age or older that complies with Sections 51.2 and 51.3 of the Civil Code, and has either paratransit service, or unobstructed access to a fixed bus route service that is within one-half mile and operates at least eight times per day.

(D) An applicant of a special needs rental housing development project affordable to lower income households (exclusive of a manager's unit), may apply for a vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of handicapped and guest parking, that does not exceed one-third on-site parking space per unit, when the development has either paratransit service, or unobstructed access to a fixed bus route service that is within one-half mile and operates at least eight times per day.

(E) If the total number of parking spaces required for a development is other than a whole number, the number shall be rounded up to the next whole number. For purposes of this section, a development may provide "on-site parking" through tandem parking or uncovered parking, but not through on-street parking.

(F) An applicant that meets the requirements of Section 19.27.010(C) may request additional parking incentives or concessions beyond those provided in this chapter, subject to Section 19.27.020.

(G) Notwithstanding subsections B and C, the city may impose a higher vehicular parking ratio, not to exceed the ratio described in subsection A, based upon substantial evidence found in a parking study prepared at city expense by the city or an independent consultant in the last seven years that includes:

(1) An analysis of parking availability;

(2) Differing levels of transit access;

(3) Walkability access to transit services;

(4) The potential for shared parking;

(5) The effect of parking requirements on the cost of market-rate and subsidized developments; and

(6) The lower rates of car ownership for low- and very low-income individuals, including seniors and special needs individuals.

The city may make findings, based on a parking study completed in conformity with this section, supporting the need for the higher parking ratio.