City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.19.030 Development standards.

(A) The development standards set forth in the schedule of zoning district regulations for the LI district shall apply to development in the CS specialty commercial overlay district.

(B) The design of development in the CS district shall comply with the following criteria:

(1) Buildings shall be oriented to take advantage of the site's unique views, where feasible.

(2) Architecture should blend with hillsides to the extent feasible.

(3) Projects using the specialty commercial overlay zoning that require approval of a design permit shall incorporate into the site plan a public pedestrian easement to the site with potential connections to adjacent properties that provides access to the site's unique views.

(4) Long-term care facilities shall mitigate potential emergency service impacts by paying an emergency service impact fee if and when such an impact fee is adopted.

(5) Prior to issuance of a building permit for a long-term care facility in Zone D, an acoustical study shall be conducted that assesses and mitigates aircraft noise impacts consistent with Appendix C of the Napa County Airport Land Use Compatibility plan.

(6) Prior to approval of any discretionary application for a long-term care facility, clustering is encouraged to maximize development in Zone E and retain open land areas in Zone D.

(7) Prior to approval of any discretionary application for a long-term care facility, an assessment shall be made to evaluate and limit the size of the project consistent with the density and height requirements allowable in the applicable Napa County Airport Land Use Compatibility zone.

(8) Prior to issuance of a building permit for a long-term care facility, an overflight easement shall be recorded on the property if one is not already in place.

(9) Any long-term care facility proposed in Napa County Airport Land Use Compatibility Zone D shall be reviewed by the Napa County Airport Land Use Commission for consistency with the compatibility plan.