City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.19.020 Allowable uses.

(A) Property in the CS overlay district may be used either for industrial purposes, consistent with the permitted and conditionally permitted uses allowed by this title for the underlying LI base zone district, or for specialty commercial purposes1.

(B) Should the owner of property in the CS overlay district decide to use the property for the purpose set forth in Section 19.19.010, the following uses as defined in use classifications, may be permitted1:

(1) Public and quasi-public uses:

(a) Public information center,

(b) Public parking,

(c) Utilities, minor;

(2) Commercial uses:

(a) Bank, savings and loan, including walk-up service,

(b) Entertainment, indoor,

(c) Long-term care,

(d) Lodging services,

(e) Personal services,

(f) Restaurant,

(g) Retail sales, visitor-oriented.

(C) Should the owner of property in the CS overlay district decide to use the property for the purpose set forth in Section 19.19.010, the following uses as defined in use classifications, may be permitted subject to a conditional use permit1:

(1) Public and quasi-public uses:

(a) Charitable uses;

(2) Commercial uses:

(a) Entertainment, indoor; amusement center,

(b) Lodging services adjacent to a residential district,

(c) On-premises liquor consumption, tasting room,

(d) Liquor store;

(3) Temporary uses:

(a) Commercial filming,

(b) Live entertainment,

(c) Mobile structure (subject to Chapter 19.30),

(d) Tent;

(4) Public and quasi-public uses:

(a) Antenna, commercial,

(b) Antenna exceeding height limitations;

(5) Commercial uses:

(a) Entertainment, indoor, gaming,

(b) On-premises liquor consumption,

(c) Restaurant, night use adjacent to residential district,

(d) Restaurant, take-out; night use adjacent to residential district.

Permitted and conditionally permitted uses on parcels located within a designated Napa County Airport compatibility zone may be restricted or prohibited subject to the requirements of the policies related to airport compatibility in the American Canyon general plan and the Napa County Airport land use compatibility plan. Restrictions may include the requirement for recordation of overflight or avigation easements.