City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.15.030 Development standards.

Table 19.15.030 of this chapter sets forth the development standards for each recreation and open space district.


(1) Permitted and conditionally permitted uses on parcels located within a designated Napa County Airport compatibility zone may be restricted or prohibited subject to the requirements of the policies related to airport compatibility in the American Canyon general plan and the Napa County Airport land use compatibility plan. Restrictions may include the requirement for recordation of overflight or avigation easements.

(2) For purposes of Table 19.15.020, "Winery" shall include the uses defined in Section 19.05.090 in conjunction with viticulture related activities such as bottling, storage, logistics, distribution, wine packing, and wine-related services.

(3) Subject to a conditional use permit approval, a maximum of 25% of the floor area within one building or 25% of the collective square footage of 2 or more buildings in the Recreation Zoning District may be allocated to non-wine related uses.

Table 19.15.030
Development Standard Zoning District
Recreation OS, OS-CRW
Minimum site size 10 acres 10 acres
Maximum site coverage 50% 1, 2, 3 10%
Maximum residential intensity (recreation district only) 1 dwelling unit
Maximum building height 35 feet 35 feet
Building setbacks from:
Major highways 50 feet 50 feet
Primary highways 42 feet 42 feet
Secondary highways:
In nonresidential areas 35 feet 35 feet
In residential areas 25 feet 25 feet
Commuter highways and local streets 15 feet 15 feet
Interior boundary if adjacent to residential uses:
Side 35 feet 35 feet
Rear 20 feet 20 feet
Interior boundary if adjacent to nonresidential uses:
Side 35 feet 35 feet
Rear 35 feet 35 feet
Building to building 10 feet 10 feet


(1) Outdoor winery related equipment such as tanks and crushing equipment customarily located outside of buildings are not included within the lot coverage standards.

(2) Site design must accommodate onsite trail connectivity with adjacent properties.

(3) Outdoor winery related equipment shall be screened from view of public streets, parks and trails with landscaping, opaque fence, or wall. Landscape screening shall include sufficient quantities, types, heights and densities of materials to provide at least 50% opacity within five years of planting, and shall be maintained by the property owner at 50% or greater opacity thereafter.