City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.14.080 Loading requirements.

(A) Number Required. Loading spaces shall be provided for all industrial uses according to Table 19.14.080(A) below for the specified uses. The decision-making authority may require more loading spaces than are required by Table 19.14.080(A) to insure that a sufficient off-street loading area will be provided to accommodate routine operations in a safe and convenient manner. Required loading spaces shall be designated as such and restricted to such use.

Table 19.14.080(A)

Use Gross Floor Area Minimum Loading Spaces
Commercial (non-office) <5,000 sq. ft. None
5,000-20,000 sq. ft. One
Office <20,000 sq. ft. None
20,000-40,000 sq. ft. One
Manufacturing, wholesale, warehousing, industrial <20,000 sq. ft. One
All of the above uses Each additional 20,000 sq. ft. One additional space

(B) Minimum Dimensions. Each loading space shall have an unobstructed minimum dimension of twelve feet in width, forty-five feet in length, and fourteen feet in height. Larger spaces may be required by the decision-making authority to ensure that a sufficient off-street loading and unloading area will be provided to accommodate routine delivery or shipment operations in a safe and convenient manner.

(C) Location of Loading Spaces.

(1) Loading spaces required by this chapter shall be located immediately adjacent to the exterior wall of the building they serve or within the building and should minimize potential impacts on adjacent uses.

(2) Loading spaces shall not be located in any required front or side yard.

(3) Loading spaces should be so located and designed that trucks shall not be required to back into a public street for ingress or egress. Truck maneuvering areas should be provided on-site where necessary to comply with this requirement.

(4) Loading spaces should be concealed from off-site view to the maximum extent feasible.

(5) Where a loading area in a commercial or industrial district is located directly across a street or alley from a residential district, a solid wall, opaque fence, or compact evergreen hedge not less than six feet in height shall be located on the property line.