City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.14.050 Permitted uses.

Table 19.14.050 of this section sets forth the permitted and conditionally-permitted uses for each industrial district. A "P" designates a permitted use. A "C" indicates a conditionally permitted use subject to approval of a use permit by the planning commission. An "M" indicates a minor use permit is required pursuant to Chapter 19.42. If no letter is found opposite a particular use, it is not permitted in that district.

Table 19.14.050

Use Classifications Zoning District Related Provisions
Congregate living facility - - -
Farm employees housing - - -
Garden apartments - - -
Mobilehome - - -
Mobilehome parks - - -
Multifamily residential - - -
Residential care home - - -
Second residential unit - - -
Single-family residential
- Detached - - -
- Semidetached - - -
Townhouses - - -
Adult-entertainment business - - P
Ambulance services - P P
Animal retail sales C - -
- Boarding kennel C - -
- Grooming C - -
- Medical care C - -
- Retail sales C - -
Bank, savings and loan - C - GP Policy 1.22.2
- Drive-up service - C - GP Policy 1.22.2
- Walk-up service - C - GP Policy 1.22.2
Bookstore - P P
Building materials and services - C P GP Policy 1.22.6
Catering - P P
Commercial printing P P P
- Limited printing C C C
Communication services P P P
Drugstores - P P
Eating and drinking establishments - C C
Entertainment, indoor - - -
- Amusement center - - -
- Gaming - - -
Food sales - C C
Funeral and interment services - - -
Health services P - -
Hookah bar - - -
Laboratory P P P
Lodging services - - -
- Bed and breakfast inns - - -
Long-term care facility - - -
Maintenance and repair services - P P GP Policy 1.22.6
Nursery - - -
Offices, business and professional P P C GP Policy 1.22.1
On-premises liquor consumption - - - GP Policy 1.22.2
- Tasting room C C C
Outdoor sales and displays - C -
Overnight accommodations, lodging services - - -
Pawnshops - - -
- Adjacent to residential district - - -
Personal improvement services - C C GP Policy 1.22.2
- Adjacent to residential district - C -
Personal services - - -
Professional and medical offices P P P
Recycling collection center - C C GP Policy 1.22.2
Restaurant - C C
- Night use - C -
Restaurant, take-out - C -
- Night use - C -
Retail commercial - C -
Retail food sales - - -
- Convenience store - - -
- Liquor store - - -
Retail sales - C C GP Policy 1.22.2
- Limited - - -
- Visitor-oriented - - -
Tobacco retailer, large-scale - - -
Tobacco retailer, small-format - - -
Vapor bar - - -
Vehicle/equipment sales and service - - -
- Automobile rental - C - GP Policy 1.22.6
- Automobile washing - - C GP Policy 1.22.6
- Service station - - -
- Vehicle/equipment repair - - P GP Policy 1.22.6
- Vehicle/equipment sales, lease and rentals - C C GP Policy 1.22.6
Video rental - - -
Wholesale, commercial C C P
Hazardous use - - C
Industry, general C - P
Industry, limited P P P
Mineral extraction - - C GP Policy 8.15.3-8.17.3
Recycling center - - C
Research and development P P P
Storage tank(s) C C C
Vehicle/equipment services
- Vehicle/equipment repair - - P
- Vehicle storage - - C
Wholesaling, distribution and storage
- Small scale C C P
- Trucking terminal C - P
Campground - - -
Marina - - -
Recreational facilities, private - - -
Recreational facilities, public - - -
Recreation and sports, indoor P P P
Recreation and sports, outdoor - - -
Recreation, passive - - -
Recreational vehicle park - - -
Staging area - - -
Public and Quasi-Public
Ambulance service P P P
Animal shelter C C C
Antenna P P P
- Commercial - - -
Cemetery - - -
Charitable uses - - -
Club, lodge - - -
Community center - - -
Conference center - - -
Cultural facility - - -
Day care center M M M
Emergency shelter P P -
Government facility P P P
Hospital - - -
Maintenance and service facility P P P
Public information center - - -
Public parking - - -
- Structure - - -
Public safety facility P P P
Religious facility C C C
School - - -
Transportation terminal - P P
Utilities, major C C C
Utilities, minor P P P
Animal husbandry P P P
Crop production - - -
Winery C C P
Accessory dwelling unit - - -
Livestock keeping - - -
Cafeteria P P P
Caretaker's quarters C C C
Day care home, large - - -
Day care home, small - - -
Guest house - - -
Home occupation - - -
Horticulture, limited - - -
Room rentals - - -
Animal show - - -
Circus, carnival - - -
Commercial filming C C C
Live entertainment - - -
Mobile structures C C C
Personal property sales - - -
Retail sales, outdoor - - -
Seasonal sales P P P
Street fair - - -
Tent - - -