City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.13.020 Permitted uses.

Table 19.13.020 of this chapter sets forth the permitted and conditionally-permitted uses for each public district. A "P" designates a permitted use. A "C" indicates a conditionally permitted use subject to approval of a use permit by the planning commission. If no letter is found opposite a particular use, it is not permitted in that district.

Table 19.13.020 PUBLIC DISTRICT 1

Use Classification P District Related
Recycling collection center C
Recreation facilities, public P
Recreation and sports, outdoor P
Recreation, passive P
Public and Quasi-Public
Ambulance service, public P
Animal shelter C
Antenna P
- Exceeding height limitations C
- Commercial -
- Small-cell antenna facility P Chapter 19.53
Cemetery C
Charitable uses P
Club, lodge C
Community center P
Conference center P
Cultural facility P
Day care center C
Government facility P
Hospital C
Maintenance and service facility C
Public information center P
Public parking P
Public safety facility C
Religious facility C GP Policy 1.23.4
School C
Transportation terminal C
Utilities, major C
Utilities, minor P
Cafeteria P
Caretaker's quarters C
Animal show P
Circus, carnival C
Commercial filming C
Live entertainment C
Mobile structure C Chapter 19.30
Personal property sales P
Seasonal sales P
Street fair C
Tent C

1 Permitted and conditionally permitted uses on parcels located within a designated Napa County Airport compatibility zone may be restricted or prohibited subject to the requirements of the policies related to airport compatibility in the American Canyon general plan and the Napa County Airport land use compatibility plan. Restrictions may include the requirement for recordation of overflight or avigation easements.