City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.10.040 Permitted uses.

Table 19.10.040 of this section sets forth the permitted and conditionally permitted uses for each residential district. A "P" designates a permitted use. A "C" indicates a conditionally permitted use subject to approval of a use permit by the planning commission. An "M" indicates a minor use permit is required pursuant to Chapter 19.42. If no letter is found opposite a particular use, it is not permitted in that district.

Table 19.10.040

Use Classifications RRH RE RR RS RM RH Related Provisions
Congregate living facility - - - - P P
Cottage food operations P P P P P P
Employee housing (1 to 6 occupants) P P P P - -
Garden apartments - - - - P P
Mobilehome - C C C - -
Mobilehome park - - - - C C Chapter 19.10
Multifamily residential - - - - P P
Residential Care Home, Small P P P P P P
Second residential unit P P P P P - Section 19.10.120
Single room occupancy - - - - - P Section 19.10.160
Single-family residential - - - - -
- Detached P P P P P2 P2 2GP Policy 1.8.3
- Semidetached - - P3 P4 P P 3GP Policy 1.7.1
4GP Policy 1.7.2
Townhouses - - - - P P
Adult business - - - - - -
Animal sales and service - C - - - -
- Boarding kennel - C - - - -
- Grooming - C - - - -
- Medical care - C - - - -
- Retail care - C - - - -
Bank, savings and loan - - - - - -
- Drive-up service - - - - - -
- Walk-up service - - - - - -
Building materials and services - - - - - -
Catering - - - - - -
Commercial printing - - - - - -
- Limited printing - - - - - -
Communication services - - - - - -
Entertainment, indoor - - - - - -
- Amusement center - - - - - -
- Gaming - - - - - -
Funeral and interment services - - - - - -
Health services - - - - - -
Laboratory - - - - - -
Lodging services - - - - - -
- Bed and breakfast inn C C C - - -
Long-term care facility - - - - - -
Maintenance and repair services - - - - - -
Nursery - - - - - -
Offices, business, and professional - - - - - -
On-premises liquor consumption - - - - -
- Tasting room - - - - - -
Pawnshops - - - - - -
Personal improvement services - - - - - -
- Night use - - - - - -
Personal services - - - - - -
Recycling collection center - - - - - -
Restaurant - - - - - -
- Night use - - - - - -
Restaurant, take-out - - - - - -
- Night use - - - - - -
Retail food sales - - - - - -
- Convenience store - - - - - -
- Liquor store - - - - - -
Retail sales - - - - - -
- Limited - - - - - -
- Visitor-oriented - - - - - -
Vehicle/equipment sales and service - - - - - -
- Automobile rental - - - - - -
- Automobile washing - - - - - -
- Service station - - - - - -
- Vehicle/equipment repair - - - - - -
- Vehicle/equipment sales, lease and rentals - - - - - -
Wholesaling, commercial - - - - - -
Hazardous use - - - - - -
Industry, general - - - - - -
Industry, limited - - - - - -
Mineral extraction - - - - - -
Recycling center - - - - - -
Research and development - - - - - -
Storage tank(s) - - - - - -
Vehicle/equipment services - - - - - -
- Vehicle/equipment repair - - - - - -
- Vehicle storage - - - - - -
Wholesaling, distribution and storage - - - - - -
- Small scale - - - - - -
- Trucking terminal - - - - - -
Recreational facilities, public C C P P P P
Recreation and sports, outdoor C C C C C C
Recreation, passive C C C C C C
Staging area C C C - - -
Public and Quasi-Public
Antenna - - P P P P
- Exceeding height limitations - - C C C C
Community center - - - C C C GP Policy 1.12.1
Conference center - - - - - -
Cultural facility - - C C C GP Policy 1.12.1
Day care center - M M M M M GP Policy 1.23.5
Homeless shelter - - - - C C Chapter 19.42
Public safety facility C C C C C C
Religious facility C C C C C C GP Policy 1.23.4
School - C C C C C GP Policy 1.12.1
Utilities, major - - C C C C
Utilities, minor - - P P P P
Animal husbandry - P - - - -
Crop production C P - - - -
Accessory dwelling unit - - - - - -
Livestock keeping P P P P - - Chapter 19.31
Caretaker's quarters C C - - - -
Family child care home, large P P P P - - Chapter 19.33
Family child care home, small P P P P P P
Guest house C C C C - -
Home occupation P P P P P P Chapter 19.29
Horticulture, limited P P P P P P
Room rentals - - C C - -
Animal show - - - -
Commercial filming C C C C C C
Mobile structures C C C C C C Chapter 19.30
Personal property sales P P P P P P

1 Permitted and conditionally permitted uses on parcels located within a designated Napa County Airport compatibility zone may be restricted or prohibited subject to the requirements of the policies related to airport compatibility in the American Canyon general plan and the Napa County Airport land use compatibility plan. Restrictions may include the requirement for recordation of overflight or avigation easements.