City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

18.42.050 Improvements to be installed.

Improvements to be installed by each subdivider shall include the following:

(A) Streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and walkways as may be shown on the tentative parcel map or tentative subdivision map as approved by the planning commission and/or city council;

(B) Water lines to serve each lot and stubbed to property line prior to paving. A "W" shall be stamped or otherwise permanently marked on the curb to identify stub locations;

(C) Sanitary sewers and laterals to serve each lot and stubbed to property line prior to paving. An "S" shall be stamped or otherwise permanently marked on the curb to identify stub location;

(D) Fire hydrants of a type and size approved by the American Canyon fire protection district. Fire flows shall be as approved by the fire district;

(E) Storm drain lines, catch basins, inlets, and channel improvements;

(F) Silt basins or other forms of erosion control when necessary;

(G) Ornamental and safety street lights as required by this title and the city engineer;

(H) Unless otherwise approved by the planning commission and/or city council, street trees shall be installed to the following standards:

(1) Not less than one tree per lot with an average spacing of fifty feet on center,

(2) The type, size and location shall be approved by the city engineer and indicated on the final map,

(3) Said trees shall be maintained by the developer for a period of one year, to the satisfaction of the city engineer;

(I) Street signs at locations approved by the city engineer;

(J) Street end barricades, walls or facing where required by the city engineer;

(K) Stop or yield signs where street intersects with a major street or at other locations required by the city engineer;

(L) Utility distribution lines, including but not limited to electric, communications, street lighting and cable television shall be required to be placed underground. The subdivider is responsible for complying with the requirements of this title, and shall make the necessary arrangements with the utility companies for the installation of such facilities. Minor exceptions to this section may be granted by the city engineer only when requested by the serving utility;

(M) Reclaimed water lines as shown on a reclaimed water master plan or as required by the city engineer.