City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

18.28.025 Determination of status re merger when no hearing requested.

If within the thirty-day period specified in Section 18.28.020(A) of this chapter the owner(s) of affected parcels do not request a hearing under said section, the community development director shall place the matter on the planning commission agenda and the planning commission shall determine whether the parcels affected shall be merged or not. The community development director shall provide notice of the planning commission action to the property owner(s) affected, and record either a notice of merger, or release of notice of intention to merge, whichever is appropriate, in accordance with the procedures in Section 18.28.020 of this chapter. The notice of merger, or release of notice of intention to merge must be recorded with the Napa County recorder within ninety days of the mailing and recording of the initial notice of intention to merge.