City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

18.28.020 Hearing to determine status re merger.

(A) The planning commission shall receive evidence from the community development director as to the affected property meeting the standards for merger, and shall allow the property owner(s) the opportunity to rebut said evidence, and to present any evidence that the affected property should or should not be merged. At the end of the hearing the planning commission shall make a determination whether the affected parcels do or do not meet the standards for merger and should be merged. The community development director shall, within thirty days of the decision, send written notice thereof to the affected property owners.

(B) If the planning commission determines the parcels are to be merged, the community development director shall within thirty days of the decision, have recorded with the Napa County recorder a "notice of merger" describing the real property, the owners, and the planning commission action.

(C) If the planning commission determines that the parcels shall not be merged the community development director shall, within thirty days of the decision have recorded with the Napa County recorder a release of the notice of intention to merge.

(D) The merger of the affected parcels becomes effective on the recordation of the notice of merger.