City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

16.14.110 Irrigation design plan.

For the efficient use of water, an irrigation system shall meet all the requirements listed in this section and the manufacturers' recommendations. The irrigation system and its related components shall be planned and designed to allow for proper installation, management, and maintenance. An irrigation design plan meeting the following design criteria shall be submitted as part of the landscape documentation package.

(A) System.

(1) The irrigation system shall be designed to ensure that the dynamic pressure at each emission device is within the manufacturer's recommended pressure range for optimal performance.

(a) If the static pressure is above or below the required dynamic pressure of the irrigation system, pressure-regulating devices such as inline pressure regulators, booster pumps, or other devices shall be installed to meet the required dynamic pressure of the irrigation system.

(b) Static water pressure, dynamic or operating pressure, and flow reading of the water supply shall be measured at the point of connection. These pressure and flow measurements shall be conducted at the design stage. If the measurements are not available at the design stage, the measurements shall be conducted at installation.

(2) Manual shut-off valves (such as a gate valve, ball valve, or butterfly valve) shall be required, as close as possible to the point of connection of the water supply, to minimize water loss in case of an emergency (such as a main line break) or routine repair.

(3) Sensors (rain, freeze, wind, etc.), either integral or auxiliary, that suspend or alter irrigation operation during unfavorable weather conditions are required for all irrigation systems, as appropriate for local climatic conditions. Irrigation should be avoided during windy or freezing weather or during rain.

(4) Backflow prevention devices shall be required to protect the water supply from contamination by the irrigation system.

(5) The irrigation system shall be designed to prevent runoff, low head drainage, overspray, or other similar conditions where irrigation water flows onto non-targeted areas, such as adjacent property, non­irrigated areas, hardscapes, roadways, or structures.

(6) Relevant information from the soil management plan, such as soil type and infiltration rate, shall be utilized when designing irrigation systems.

(7) The design of the irrigation system shall conform to the hydrozones of the landscape design plan.

(8) The irrigation system must be designed and installed to meet, at a minimum, the irrigation efficiency criteria as described in Section 16.14.080 regarding the maximum applied water allowance.

(9) In mulched planting areas, the use of low volume irrigation is required to maximize water infiltration into the root zone.

(10) Sprinkler heads and other emission devices shall have matched precipitation rates, unless otherwise directed by the manufacturer's recommendations.

(11) Sprinkler spacing shall be designed to achieve the highest possible distribution uniformity using the manufacturer's recommendations.

(12) Swing joints or other riser-protection components are required on all risers subject to damage that are adjacent to high traffic areas.

(13) Check valves or anti-drain valves are required for all irrigation systems.

(14) Narrow or irregularly shaped areas, including turf, less than eight feet in width in any direction shall be irrigated with subsurface irrigation or a low volume irrigation system.

(15) Overhead irrigation shall not be permitted within twenty-four inches of any non-permeable surface. Allowable irrigation within the setback from non-permeable surfaces may include drip, drip line, or other low flow non-spray technology. The setback area may be planted or unplanted. The surfacing of the setback may be mulch, gravel, or other porous material. These restrictions may be modified if:

(a) The landscape area is adjacent to permeable surfacing and no runoff occurs; or

(b) The adjacent non-permeable surfaces are designed and constructed to drain entirely to landscaping; or

(c) The irrigation designer specifies an alternative design or technology, as part of the landscape documentation package and clearly demonstrates strict adherence to irrigation system design criteria in subsection (A)(8) of this section. Prevention of overspray and runoff must be confirmed during the irrigation audit.

(16) Slopes greater than twenty-five percent shall not be irrigated with an irrigation system with a precipitation rate exceeding three-fourths inches per hour. This restriction may be modified if the landscape designer specifies an alternative design or technology, as part of the landscape documentation package, and clearly demonstrates no runoff or erosion will occur. Prevention of runoff and erosion must be confirmed during the irrigation audit.

(B) Hydrozone.

(1) Each valve shall irrigate a hydrozone with similar site, slope, sun exposure, soil conditions, and plant materials with similar water use.

(2) Sprinkler heads and other emission devices shall be selected based on what is appropriate for the plant type within that hydrozone.

(3) Where feasible, trees shall be placed on separate valves from shrubs, groundcovers, and turf.

(4) Individual hydrozones that mix plants of moderate and low water use, or moderate and high water use, may be allowed if the plant factor of the higher water using plant is used for calculations.

(5) Individual hydrozones that mix high and low water use plants shall not be permitted.

(6) On the landscape design plan and irrigation design plan, hydrozone areas shall be designated by number, letter, or other designation. On the irrigation design plan, designate the areas irrigated by each valve, and assign a number to each valve. Use this valve number in the Hydrozone Information Table (see City of American Canyon Template Water-Efficient Landscaping Worksheet). This table can also assist with the irrigation audit and programming the controller.

(7) The irrigation design plan, at a minimum, shall contain:

(a) Location and size of separate water meters for landscape;

(b) Location, type and size of all components of the irrigation system, including controllers, main and lateral lines, valves, sprinkler heads, moisture sensing devices, rain switches, quick couplers, pressure regulators, and backflow prevention devices;

(c) Static water pressure at the point of connection to the public water supply;

(d) Flow rate (gallons per minute), application rate (inches per hour), and design operating pressure (pressure per square inch) for each station;

(e) Recycled water irrigation systems as specified in Section 19.22.070;

(f) The following statement: "I have complied with the criteria of the ordinance and applied them accordingly for the efficient use of water in the irrigation design plan"; and

(g) The signature of a licensed landscape architect, certified irrigation designer, licensed landscape contractor, or any other person authorized to design an irrigation system. (See Sections 5500.l, 5615, 5641, 5641.1, 5641.2, 5641.3, 5641.4, 5641.5, 5641.6, 6701, 7027.5 of the Business and Professions Code, Section 832.27 of Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations, and Section 6721 of the Food and Agricultural Code.)