City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

14.16.220 Local limits—Toxic substances.

Any waters or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous substance in sufficient quantities to injure or interfere with or create any hazard in the sewage treatment process, effluent quality, sludge quality, or receiving water quality requirements to humans, animals or plant life. The following "local limits" comprise a partial list of toxic pollutants of concern (and others designated pursuant to Section 3 07(a)(1) of the Act) and their maximum concentration allowable by any discharger for admission into the sewerage system:

(A) Any industrial user who discharges directly into the city service area or jurisdiction of the city shall not exceed the following discharge limits:

Maximum Allowable Concentration
Ammonia 47.43
Arsenic 0.2
Cadmium 0.16
Chromium—Total 3.5
Copper 0.87
Cyanide 1.0
Dissolved sulfide 0.10
Lead 0.45
Mercury 0.00020
Nickel 0.30
Oil and grease (petroleum based) 50.00
Oil and grease (vegetable and animal based) 75.00
pH 6.0-9.0
Phenol 29.59
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) 0.92
Silver 0.30
Total toxic organics 1.00
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) 10% LEL
Zinc 3.2

Additional Wastewater Constituents

of Agronomic Importance

Recommended maximum concentration from the California State Water Resources Control Board, "Guidance Manual, Irrigation With Reclaimed Municipal Wastewater." Report Number 84-1 R.

Maximum Allowable Concentration
Salinity 2.5 dS/m (mmhos/cm)
TDS 1.500
Chloride (CI) 350 mg/l
Sodium (Na) 70 mg/l*
Boron (B) 1.5 mg/1
Mo .01
V 0.1
Li 2.5
F 1.0
Co .05
Be .1

* (Na) 70 mg/I or if Sodium concentration exceeds this value then discharge must not have an SAR exceeding 6.

(B) The maximum allowable concentration of toxic or potentially toxic material not listed above will be determined on an individual basis. No industrial waste shall be discharged which has a lethal toxicity as determined by a ninety-six-hour static bioassay using threespine stickleback of less than twenty-five percent concentration of wastewater.