City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

14.04.100 Adjustments to wastewater connection fees.

(A) The city at its sole discretion may adopt revised wastewater connection fees based on the pro-commit participation by the general fund of the city proportionate effects of inflation or changes to the cost of living. For purposes of calculation, the Engineering News Record 20-City Construction Cost Index shall be used for adjusting said fees. Said adjustments in accordance with this section may be approved by a resolution of the city council.

(B) At the sole discretion of the city council applicants may be charged either the industrial wastewater service connection fee in accordance with Section 14.04.080(A) and (B), or Section 14.04.070, connection fees, commercial wastewater service connection fee.

(C) The city council, at its sole discretion, may commit participation by the general fund of the city for fifty percent of the connection fee in an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars to be applied to wastewater connection fees for a qualifying nonprofit or charitable organization in the city.