City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

13.06.090 Water capacity fee.

(A) At the time of submission of an application for a building permit for connection to the city water system, an applicant shall be required to pay a water capacity fee, in proportion to the new connection's impact on the water system.

(B) For the purposes of calculating the water capacity fee, a single-family residence shall be considered one "equivalent dwelling unit (EDU)," with one EDU being assigned a design flow of six hundred eighty gallons per day. For the purposes of calculating the maximum daily water use of a multifamily residence requesting connection to the water system, each within a multifamily residence unit will be assumed to be sixty-five percent of one single-family EDU. Single- and multifamily residences will pay water capacity fees according to subsection D of this section.

(C) All applications for building permits for nonresidential connections will be required to pay a water capacity fee proportional to the expected maximum daily water use of the connection, as calculated by the applicant and certified by the city manager, public works director or other designated staff. The applicant shall, using commonly accepted building and plumbing practices, demonstrate the average daily and maximum daily water use in gallons per day (gpd) for the connection to the water system. Nonresidential water capacity fees shall be calculated according to the cost per gpd detailed in subsection D.

(D) Water capacity fees shall be calculated according to the following schedule.

Single-family residence (one EDU) $12,462.00
Multifamily residence (0.65 EDU) $8,100.00
Commercial/industrial/public (per gpd) $18.33

(E) The city in its sole discretion may adopt revised water capacity fees based on the proportionate effects of inflation or changes to the cost of living. The Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index for the San Francisco region shall be used for adjusting said fees. Any such adjustment in accordance with this section may be approved by a resolution of the city council. (Res. 2009-76; Ord. 2008-01 § 1, 2008; Ord. 2007-09 § 1, 2007)