City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

13.06.070 Water rates—Other provisions.

(A) Commercial users who desire the single-family residential rate may apply for the rate. If approved by the city manager, the single-family rate shall remain in force for a minimum of twelve months. It is the customer's responsibility to request a further modification.

(B) The city council may, establish policies and procedures by resolution to administer this chapter, including, but not limited to, allowing credits to customers for large, one time water losses and related wastewater charges.

(C) Raw water users, prior to connection, shall apply to the city for permission to connect and receive raw water.

(D) Existing commercial customers requesting a landscape meter shall pay the appropriate meter installation fee and related charges. An additional connection fee shall not be required unless either the overall water consumption increases, or the landscape meter size is larger than the currently installed meter. In either event, the customer shall pay the incremental increase in the connection fee amount. Any landscape-related arrangements between the city and any specific customer established by city council action prior to February 3, 2000 shall remain in full force and effect, unless and until it is modified by a subsequent city council action.

(E) Any water user that establishes a well for domestic water purposes after January 1, 2008 shall apply to the city for permission to receive and use well water upon dedication of the well and well water to the city water system.