City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

13.06.060 Private fire protection.

(A) Each customer who obtains or utilizes a private fire protection service inside-the-city shall pay a charge for water measured as having passed through a bypass meter on the service protective backflow apparatus. The charge for such service shall be one-half the customer charge for inside-the-city commercial users.

(B) Each customer who obtains or utilizes a private fire protection service outside-the-city shall pay a charge for water measured as having passed through a bypass meter on the service protective backflow apparatus. The charge for such service shall be one-half the customer charge for outside-the-city users.

(C) Existing commercial customers requesting to retrofit an existing building with a private fire protection service shall pay the appropriate meter installation fee and related charges, including any required devices. No additional connection fee shall be charged.