City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

12.08.050 Performance.

(A) Notice. The notice to provide the required underground facilities may be given either by personal service or by mail. In the case of service by mail on either of such persons, the notice must be deposited in the United States mail in a sealed envelope with postage prepaid, addressed to the person in possession of such premises at such premises, and the notice must be addressed to the owner thereof as such owner's name appears, and must be addressed to such owner's last known address as the same appears on the last equalized assessment roll, and when no address appears, to General Delivery, city of American Canyon. If notice is given by mail, such notice shall be deemed to have been received by the person to whom it has been sent within forty-eight hours after the mailing thereof. If notice is given by mail to either the owner or occupant of such premises, the director of public works shall within forty-eight hours after the mailing thereof, cause a copy thereof, printed on a card not less than eight inches by ten inches in size, to be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises.

(B) Notice—Content. The notice given by the director of public works to provide the required underground facilities shall particularly specify what work is required to be done, and shall state that if the work is not completed within thirty days after receipt of such notice, the director of public works will provide such required underground facilities, in which case the cost and expense thereof will be assessed against the property benefited and become a lien upon such property.

(C) Performance by City. If upon the expiration of the thirty-day period, the required underground facilities have not been provided, the director of public works shall forthwith proceed to do the work; provided however, if such premises are unoccupied and no electric or communications services are being furnished thereto, the director of public works shall in lieu of providing the required underground facilities, have the authority to order the disconnection and removal of any and all overhead service wires and associated facilities supplying utility service to the property.

(D) Cost Report. Upon completion of the work by the director of public works, he shall file a written report with the city council setting forth the fact that the required underground facilities have been provided and the cost thereof including administrative overhead, together with a legal description of the property against which such cost is to be assessed. The council shall thereupon fix a time and place for hearing protests against the assessment of the cost of such work upon such premises, which said time shall not be less than ten days thereafter.

(E) Notice of Hearing. The director of public works shall, upon the time for hearing such protests having been fixed, give a notice in writing to the person in possession of such premises, and a notice in writing thereof to the owner thereof, in the manner hereinabove provided for the giving of notice to provide the required underground facilities, of the time and place that the council will pass upon such report and will hear protests against such assessment. Such notice shall also set forth the amount of the proposed assessment.

(F) Hearing on Report. Upon the date and hour set for the hearing of protests the council shall hear and consider the report and all protests, if there are any, and then proceed to affirm, modify or reject the assessment.

(G) Collection of Cost. If any assessment is not paid within five days after its confirmation by the council, the amount of the assessment shall become a lien upon the property against which the assessment is made by the director of public works, and the director of public works is directed to turn over to the assessor and tax collector a notice of lien on each of the properties on which the assessment has not been paid, and the assessor and tax collector shall add the amount of the assessment to the next regular bill for taxes levied against the premises upon which the assessment was not paid. The assessment shall be due and payable at the same time as the property taxes are due and payable, and if not paid when due and payable, shall bear interest at the rate of six percent per year.

(H) Time Extension. In the event that any act required by this chapter cannot be performed within the time provided on account of shortage of materials, war, restraint by public authorities, strikes, labor disturbances, civil disobedience, or any other circumstances beyond the control of the actor, then the time within which such act will be accomplished shall be extended for a period equivalent to the time of such limitation.