City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

12.08.040 Responsibility.

(A) Utility Companies. If underground construction is necessary to provide utility service within a district created by Section 12.08.020, the supply utility shall furnish that portion of the conduits, conductors and associated equipment required to be furnished by it under its applicable rules, regulation and tariffs on file with the Commission.

(B) Property Owners. Every person owning, operating, leasing, occupying or renting a building or structure within a district shall construct and provide that portion of the service connection on his property between the facilities referred to in subsection A and the termination facility on or within the building or structure being served. If the above is not accomplished by any person within a reasonable time pursuant to the above, the director of public works shall give notice in writing to the person in possession of such premises, and a notice in writing to the owner thereof as shown on the last equalized assessment roll, to provide the required underground facilities within thirty days after receipt of such notice, all in accordance with the application rules, regulation and tariffs of the respective utilities on file with the Commission.

(C) City. The city shall remove at its own expense all city-owned equipment from all poles required to be removed hereunder in ample time to enable the owner or user of such poles to remove the same within a reasonable time.