City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

12.06.020 Definitions.

For purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning set forth in this section, unless the context otherwise clearly requires.

"Camp" means to:

1. Establish, maintain, operate, place, pitch or occupy camp facilities;

2. Live temporarily in a camp facility or outdoors; or

3. Use camp paraphernalia in a camp facility or outdoors.

"Camp facilities" include, but are not limited to, tents, huts, temporary shelters, camper trailers, motor homes, or vehicles, as defined by California Vehicle Code Section 670.

"Camp paraphernalia" includes, but is not limited to, bedrolls, tarpaulins, cots, beds, sleeping bags, hammocks or other sleeping equipment or any cooking equipment.

"City" means the city of American Canyon.

"City manager" means the city manager of the city, the acting city manager, or the city manager's designee.

"Establish" means setting up or moving equipment, supplies or materials on to public property to camp or operate camp facilities.

"Maintain" means keeping or permitting equipment, supplies or materials to remain on public property in order to camp or operate camp facilities.

"Operate" means participating or assisting in establishing or maintaining a camp or camp facility.

"Parks" means and includes all parks, parkways, trails, malls, plazas, greenbelts, gardens, lakes, and any other property owned by the city, including structures thereon, and used, operated, or maintained for recreational purposes whether passive or active. The term "park" also includes all off-street parking areas which are used or intended to be used in connection therewith. The term "owned" includes any property interest under which the city department of community services operates, maintains, or controls said property. The term also includes any property owned or kept by the city as open space, including undeveloped sites for future parks.

"Public property" means all public property, including, but not limited to, streets, sidewalks, bridges, alleys, improved or unimproved land, buildings, parking lots, streams, waterways, rights-of-way, trails, and parks.

"Store" means to put aside or accumulate for use when needed, to put for safekeeping, to place or leave in a location.

"Street" means a street, avenue, highway, alley, way or place of whatever nature, publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel.