City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

12.04.070 Animals.

"Animal" means any wild or domestic animal, poultry, bird, reptile, dog, horse or other creature.

(A) No dog shall be permitted to run at large upon land owned, managed, controlled or operated as a city park, playground, par course or other recreational area and facility. All dogs must be leashed whenever upon land or facilities owned, managed, controlled or operated as a city park, playground, par course or other recreational area and facility, except in designated voice control areas. Dogs must be under "effective voice control" defined as a person's dog responds immediately to single commands in a trained and obedient manner.

(B) It is unlawful for any person who owns, harbors or keeps, or who has possession, charge, care, custody or control of any dog or other animal to negligently permit said animal to run at large upon any city park or recreation area.

(C) Upon land owned, managed, controlled or operated as a city park, playground, par course or other recreational area or facility, any person who owns, harbors or keeps, or who has possession, charge, care, custody or control of any dog or other animal is required to remove and properly dispose of all solid animal waste.

(D) This section shall not apply to persons who are blind, deaf or physically disabled, who shall have the right to be accompanied by a specifically trained assistance dog.