City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

10.36.030 Exceptions.

This chapter shall not apply to:

(A) A vehicle, or part thereof, which is completely enclosed within a building or a carport or in a backyard which is completely fenced or in which the vehicle is reasonably screened from view by trees, shrubbery, or other appropriate means, so that the vehicle is not visible from the highway or other public or private property, and is not a health or safety hazard.

(B) A vehicle, or part thereof, which is stored or parked in a lawful manner or private property in connection with the business of a licensed dismantler, licensed vehicle dealer, a junk dealer or when such storage or parking is necessary to the operation of a lawfully conducted business or commercial enterprise.

(C) One or more historic vehicles, special interest vehicles, parts vehicles, or street rod vehicles, whether currently licensed or unlicensed, operable or inoperable, maintained by a collector in outdoor storage on private property, if every such vehicle and outdoor storage area is maintained in such a manner as not to constitute a health hazard, and is located away from public view, or screened from ordinary public view, by means of a suitable fence, trees, shrubbery, opaque covering, or other appropriate means, so long as the following requirements are met:

(1) Although registration may not be required by the state Department of Motor Vehicles, vehicles stored in any backyard area must have either a "nonrepairable vehicle certificate," "nonoperational vehicle certificate" or any other applicable certificate required by the state Department of Motor Vehicles to excuse nonregistration of the vehicle, before such storage of an unregistered vehicle shall occur.

(2) Since nonrepairable vehicle certificate status allows for the vehicle in question to be exempt from being titled or registered, a time limit of six months will be allowed for the owner of said vehicle to remove all parts desired and dispose of remaining portion of the vehicle.

(3) A "total loss salvage vehicle" must be registered with the state Department of Motor Vehicles, but even with registration and due to the nature of the vehicle's overall condition, the owner must make a financial commitment to its complete repair and restoration to operational status and repair work must be substantially in progress by the sixth month after the vehicle is first stored on private property, or the vehicle shall be subject to abatement by the city pursuant to this chapter.

(4) If all of the requirements of subsection (C) of this section are met, any vehicle that is registered as nonoperational may remain in the backyard on private property for an unlimited period of time, as long as it is stored on an all-weather surface as defined by the city.

(5) Any legally registered and fully operational vehicle may remain in either the front, side or backyard storage areas as long as they are on an all-weather surface, and all other requirements of this chapter and this code are met.

(6) Any inoperative vehicle shall not be stored in the front yard of any private property for more than thirty days unless otherwise authorized by the city. Storage in any private front yard is restricted to fully operable and legally registered vehicles.

(7) Once an "inoperable vehicle" has been in the front yard area of a private property for more than thirty days without being fully repaired for legal use on state highways, it is subject to abatement proceedings pursuant to this chapter. The owner of the vehicle shall then have the following options:

(a) To immediately take the vehicle to a repair facility for the completion of final repairs;

(b) To remove the vehicle to a proper storage area other than the front yard area, which meets the requirements of this chapter;

(c) If an inoperative vehicle is in a condition which it can legally or actually be driven under its own power on the highways of this state, and is classified as "inoperative" pursuant to Section 10.36.010 of this chapter solely because it is unregistered, to promptly register the vehicle for use on the highways of this state as required under the provisions of Division 3 (commencing at Section 4000 et seq.) of the state Vehicle Code;

(d) To permit the abatement process to proceed without objection, or to appeal the abatement process, pursuant to Sections 10.36.080 and 10.36.090 of this chapter.