{"t": "Ord. No. 2023-03. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AMERICAN CANYON AMENDING THE AMERICAN CANYON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 19.38 \"EMERGENCY SHELTERS\"; AND CHAPTER 19.39 \"ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STATE LAW.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3", "et": "document", "sc": "Ord. No. 2023-03", "sp": "library|us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances|2023|City of American Canyon, Cal., Ord. No. 2023-03", "sd": true, "c": [{"t": "1", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 1", "sp": "library|us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances|2023|City of American Canyon, Cal., Ord. No. 2023-03|1", "c": [{"t": "A.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.", "c": [{"t": "1.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.1.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.1.", "x": "Compliance with applicable state and local uniform housing and building cod"}, {"t": "2.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.2.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.2.", "x": "The facility shall have on-site security during all hours when the shelter "}, {"t": "3.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.3.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.3.", "x": "Facilities shall provide exterior lighting on pedestrian pathways and parki"}, {"t": "4.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.4.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.4.", "x": "Facilities shall provide secure areas for personal property."}], "x": "Physical Characteristics."}, {"t": "B.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1B.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1B.", "x": "Limited Number of Beds per Facility. Emergency shelters shall not exceed fo"}, {"t": "C.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1C.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1C.", "x": "Limited Terms of Stay. The maximum term of staying at an emergency shelter "}, {"t": "D.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1D.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1D.", "x": "Parking. The emergency shelter shall provide on-site parking at a rate of t"}, {"t": "E.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1E.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1E.", "x": "Emergency Shelter Management. A management plan is required for all emergen"}, {"t": "1.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#11.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 11.", "x": "An efficiency unit, as defined in Section 17958.1 of the Health and Safety "}, {"t": "2.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#12.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 12.", "x": "A manufactured home, as defined in Section 18007 of the Health and Safety C"}, {"t": "A.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.", "x": "Each accessory dwelling unit requires approval of a building permit."}, {"t": "B.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1B.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1B.", "x": "The applicant of each accessory dwelling unit building permit application s"}, {"t": "C.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1C.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1C.", "x": "One detached accessory dwelling unit and one junior accessory dwelling unit"}, {"t": "D.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1D.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1D.", "x": "A single-family primary residence dwelling must exist on the parcel before "}, {"t": "E.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1E.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1E.", "c": [{"t": "1.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1E.1.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1E.1.", "x": "The accessory dwelling unit is built in the garage and the garage setback i"}, {"t": "2.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1E.2.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1E.2.", "x": "If the accessory dwelling unit is built in an existing accessory structure,"}, {"t": "3.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1E.3.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1E.3.", "x": "Existing setbacks apply to existing structure conversions."}, {"t": "4.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1E.4.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1E.4.", "c": [{"t": "i.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1E.4.i.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1E.4.i.", "x": "A height of 16 feet for a detached accessory dwelling unit on a lot with an"}, {"t": "ii.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1E.4.ii.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1E.4.ii.", "x": "A height of 18 feet for a detached accessory dwelling unit on a lot with an"}, {"t": "iii.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1E.4.iii.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1E.4.iii.", "x": "A height of 18 feet for a detached accessory dwelling unit on a lot with an"}, {"t": "iv.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1E.4.iv.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1E.4.iv.", "x": "A height of 25 feet or the height limitation in the local zoning ordinance "}], "x": "Development standards shall be waived to permit a detached accessory dwelli"}, {"t": "5.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1E.5.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1E.5.", "x": "The applicant shall not be required to correct pre-existing nonconforming z"}], "x": "Accessory dwelling units shall comply with the lot area, yard setback, heig"}, {"t": "F.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1F.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1F.", "c": [{"t": "1.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1F.1.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1F.1.", "x": "Detached accessory dwelling units shall not exceed one thousand two hundred"}, {"t": "2.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1F.2.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1F.2.", "x": "Attached accessory dwelling units may occupy up to fifty percent of the pri"}, {"t": "3.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1F.3.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1F.3.", "x": "Junior accessory dwelling units shall not exceed five hundred square feet."}], "x": "Accessory Dwelling Living Area Standard."}, {"t": "G.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1G.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1G.", "c": [{"t": "1.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1G.1.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1G.1.", "x": "Accessory dwelling units shall comply with all applicable fire safety provi"}, {"t": "2.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1G.2.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1G.2.", "c": [{"t": "i.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1G.2.i.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1G.2.i.", "x": "When the primary residence has fire sprinklers, the accessory dwelling unit"}, {"t": "ii.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1G.2.ii.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1G.2.ii.", "x": "When the primary residence does not have fire sprinklers, the junior access"}, {"t": "iii.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1G.2.iii.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1G.2.iii.", "x": "Detached accessory dwelling units require fire sprinklers unless the primar"}], "x": "Under state law, in general, accessory dwelling units shall not be required"}], "x": "Fire Sprinkler Requirements."}, {"t": "H.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1H.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1H.", "c": [{"t": "1.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1H.1.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1H.1.", "x": "The accessory dwelling unit shall not be sold separately."}, {"t": "2.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1H.2.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1H.2.", "x": "The restrictions are binding upon any successor in ownership of the propert"}, {"t": "3.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1H.3.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1H.3.", "x": "The property owner must occupy as a primary residence one of the two dwelli"}, {"t": "4.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1H.4.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1H.4.", "x": "When the applicant is a qualified nonprofit housing organization, a deed re"}], "x": "Deed Restrictions. Prior to issuing a building permit for an accessory dwel"}, {"t": "I.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1I.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1I.", "c": [{"t": "1.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1I.1.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1I.1.", "x": "Accessory dwelling units less than seven hundred and fifty square feet are "}, {"t": "2.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1I.2.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1I.2.", "x": "Impact fees for accessory dwelling units equal or greater than seven hundre"}], "x": "Impact Fees."}, {"t": "J.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1J.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1J.", "c": [{"t": "1.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1J.1.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1J.1.", "x": "Non-habitable area within an existing multifamily dwelling structure, inclu"}, {"t": "2.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1J.2.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1J.2.", "x": "An existing multifamily dwelling shall be permitted to accommodate addition"}, {"t": "3.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1J.3.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1J.3.", "x": "An existing multifamily dwelling is permitted up to two detached accessory "}], "x": "Accessory Dwelling Units on Multifamily Dwellings. The building division sh"}, {"t": "K.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1K.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1K.", "x": "CC&Rs. As defined in California Civil Code Section 4751 or any successor st"}, {"t": "A.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.", "c": [{"t": "1.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.1.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.1.", "x": "Electric service may not exceed one hundred twenty volts."}, {"t": "2.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.2.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.2.", "x": "No appliances may be fueled with natural gas or propane."}, {"t": "3.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.3.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.3.", "x": "The dwelling must have its own exterior entrance."}, {"t": "4.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.4.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.4.", "x": "The kitchen must include a cooking facility with appliances, and includes a"}, {"t": "5.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.5.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.5.", "x": "The kitchen sink waste line may not exceed one and one-half inches."}, {"t": "6.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.6.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.6.", "x": "The bathroom may be included in the unit or shared with the primary residen"}, {"t": "7.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.7.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.7.", "x": "Junior accessory dwelling units are exempt from the building code wall sepa"}], "x": "Each junior accessory dwelling unit shall comply with the following buildin"}, {"t": "A.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.", "x": "When accessory dwelling unit parking is required by this chapter or provide"}, {"t": "B.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1B.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1B.", "x": "Primary Residence. Parking for the primary residence must comply with Chapt"}, {"t": "C.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1C.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1C.", "c": [{"t": "1.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1C.1.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1C.1.", "x": "A minimum of one on-site parking space is required."}, {"t": "2.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1C.2.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1C.2.", "c": [{"t": "i.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1C.2.i.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1C.2.i.", "x": "The detached accessory dwelling unit is located within one-half mile walkin"}, {"t": "ii.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1C.2.ii.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1C.2.ii.", "x": "The ADU is located within an architecturally and historically significant h"}, {"t": "iii.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1C.2.iii.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1C.2.iii.", "x": "The ADU is part of the proposed or existing primary residence or an accesso"}, {"t": "iv.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1C.2.iv.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1C.2.iv.", "x": "On-street parking permits are required but not offered to the occupant of t"}], "x": "Notwithstanding subsection (C)(1), on-site parking is not required when:"}], "x": "Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit."}, {"t": "D.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1D.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1D.", "x": "Attached Accessory Dwelling Unit. No on-site parking is required."}, {"t": "E.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1E.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1E.", "x": "Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit. No on-site parking is required."}, {"t": "F.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1F.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1F.", "x": "When a garage, carport, or covered parking structure is demolished in conju"}, {"t": "A.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.", "x": "The accessory dwelling unit may not be sold separately from the primary res"}, {"t": "B.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1B.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1B.", "x": "Owner-Occupancy. The property owner shall reside in either the primary resi"}, {"t": "C.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1C.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1C.", "x": "An accessory dwelling unit may not be rented for transient occupancy (less "}, {"t": "A.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.", "x": "The accessory dwelling unit shall comply with any City adopted objective de"}, {"t": "B.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1B.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1B.", "x": "An accessory dwelling unit connected to an onsite water treatment system re"}, {"t": "A.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.", "x": "The building division shall act on the application to create an accessory d"}, {"t": "B.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1B.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1B.", "x": "If the permit application to create an accessory dwelling unit or junior ac"}, {"t": "A.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1A.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1A.", "x": "There shall be no delays granted after January 1, 2030."}, {"t": "B.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#1B.", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1B.", "x": "There shall be no delays granted if the delay of the correction will cause "}], "x": "Adopt the updated American Canyon Municipal Code Chapter 19.38 \"Emergency S"}, {"t": "3", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#3", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 3", "sp": "library|us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances|2023|City of American Canyon, Cal., Ord. No. 2023-03|3", "x": "CEQA FINDINGS. The City Council finds the municipal code amendments are exe"}, {"t": "4", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#4", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4", "sp": "library|us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances|2023|City of American Canyon, Cal., Ord. No. 2023-03|4", "x": "Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective effect 30 days after"}, {"t": "5", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#5", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 5", "sp": "library|us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances|2023|City of American Canyon, Cal., Ord. No. 2023-03|5", "x": "Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance"}, {"t": "6", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances/2023/3#6", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 6", "sp": "library|us/ca/cities/american-canyon/ordinances|2023|City of American Canyon, Cal., Ord. No. 2023-03|6", "x": "Custodian of Records. The documents and materials that constitute the recor"}]}