City of American Canyon Law Library


WHEREAS, in July 2022, the California Building Standards Commission ("Commission") adopted the California Codes as part of the California State Building Standards Code; and

WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code Section 17958.5 authorizes cities and counties to modify the California State Building Standards Code by adopting more restrictive standards if such entities determine that such standards are reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological or topographical conditions; and

WHEREAS, the City of American Canyon has reviewed each of the referenced California and model Codes and it has been determined that certain local amendments are necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its residents; and


WHEREAS, pursuant to the Government Code, the City has adopted by reference various provisions of the above referenced California and model Codes, subject to particular additions, amendments and deletions as set forth in the Municipal Code; and

WHEREAS, on November 1, 2022 the City Council conducted a duly noticed public hearing considered all of the written and oral testimony presented at the public meeting in making its decision.


Section 1. Repeal and Replace Chapters 16.01 through 16.08 of the City of American Canyon Municipal Code.


AMENDING THOSE UNIFORM CODES AND CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS AS IDENTIFIED HEREIN THROUGH EXPRESSED FINDINGS OF LOCAL NECESSITY; and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed as set forth in Exhibit A, attached herein and incorporated by reference.

Section 2. Amend the following Chapters: 16.01 General Provisions; and 16.15 Streamlined Residential Rooftop Solar Energy Permit.

Section 3. No Change to the following Chapters: 16.10 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings; 16.12 Safety Assessment Placards; 16.13 REPAIR AND RECONSTRUCTION CODE; and 16.14 Water Efficient Landscaping.

Section 4. The City Council of the City of American Canyon finds and declares that the additions, modifications, and changes made to these codes are necessary for protection of public health, safety, and welfare due to climatic, geological, or topographical conditions. These amendments are authorized under Health and Safety Code Sections 18941.5 and 17958 and are read as set forth in Exhibit B.

Section 5. The adoption of the proposed ordinance is not a project that has the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment and therefore is not subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). In addition, the proposed ordinance amendment is exempt under the definition of Project in Section 15378 (b) (3) in that it concerns general policy and procedure making.

Section 6. The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall attest thereto and shall within fifteen days of its adoption cause a summary of it to be published in a newspaper and circulated in the City and thereupon and thereafter this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force according to law.

Section 7. This ordinance is enacted pursuant to and in compliance with Health and Safety Code Section 18941.5 and as expressly permitted in Government Code Section 50022.2. For all codes, the effective date of this Ordinance shall be January 1, 2023.

Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby directed to file a copy of this ordinance with the California Building Standards Commission of the State of California.

The foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of American Canyon, State of California, held on the 1st day of November, 2022 by the following vote:

AYES: Councilmembers Joseph, Oro, Washington, Vice Mayor Aboudamous, and Mayor Garcia
NOES: None

The foregoing Ordinance was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of American Canyon, State of California, held on the 15th day of November, 2022, by the following vote:

AYES: Councilmembers Joseph, Oro, Washington, Vice Mayor Aboudamous and Mayor Garcia
NOES: None


Leon Garcia, Mayor

__________________________ __________________________
Taresa Geilfuss, CMC, City Clerk William D. Ross, City Attorney

Exhibit A Local Building Codes

Exhibit B Required Findings and Determination



16.01 General Provisions

16.02 California Building Code

16.03 California Residential Code

16.04 California Electrical Code

16.05 California Mechanical Code

16.06 California Plumbing Code

16.07 California Energy Code

16.08 California Historical Building Code

16.09 California Existing Building Code

16.10 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings

16.11 California Green Building Standards Code

16.12 Safety Assessment Placards

16.13 Repair and Reconstruction

16.14 Water-Efficient Landscaping

16.15 Streamlined Residential Rooftop Solar Energy Permit

16.16 California Administrative Code

16.17 California Reference Standards Code

16.18 International Property Maintenance Code

16.18 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code

16.18 International Wildland Interface Code

**Note to Codifier: Code that remains unchanged is not included in this document. Only new and amended code is presented below.


Section 16.02.010. Title.

This chapter shall be cited as the California Building Code of the city and any reference in the city municipal code or any chapter thereof to the California Building Code applies to this chapter. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.02.020. Code adoption.

The city of American Canyon does hereby adopt all those certain documents marked and designated, as "California Building Code, 2022 Edition," published and copyrighted by the International Code Council. The documents identified in this section are adopted in their entirety excepting additions, revisions and omissions listed in Sections 16.02.030 through 16.02.260 of this chapter. A copy of the adopted California Building Code shall be kept on file in the office of the building official for use and examination by members of the public. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.02.030. Appendices.

The Building Code as adopted by Section 16.02.020 is amended and adopted with the following appendices:

Appendix Chapter C, Group U – Agricultural Buildings

Appendix Chapter F, Rodent Proofing

Appendix Chapter G, Flood Resistant Construction

Appendix Chapter H, Signs

Appendix Chapter I, Patio Covers

Appendix Chapter J, Grading

Appendix Chapter O, Emergency Housing

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.02.040. Findings and determination.

As permitted in Health and Safety Code Section 17958.7, the city of American Canyon finds and determines the local amendments to the 2022 California Building Code are either administrative in nature or reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the public due to local climatic, geological or topographical conditions. Those findings are as follows:

Express Finding Number 1: Climatic. The city is located in a climatic zone with precipitation ranging from fifteen to twenty-six inches per year. Ninety-five percent of precipitation falls during the months of November through April, leaving a dry period of approximately six months each year. Relative humidity remains moderate most of the time. High temperatures in the summer average in the mid-eighty degrees Fahrenheit and in the winter in the mid-fifty degrees Fahrenheit. Prevailing winds in the area are common with gusts up to thirty-five miles per hour. These climatic conditions, along with our topography, necessitate a greater requirement for fire-sprinklers in residential construction, a minimum Class A roof covering and adequate spark arrestors.

Express Finding Number 2: Geological. The city is located in Seismic Design Category D, which is indicative of high seismic vulnerability. The West Napa fault is documented to be present in our city. The area includes various soil conditions and areas with significant movement potential. Buildings and other structures in Seismic Design Category D can experience major seismic damage. These geological conditions necessitate the prohibition of gypsum as a lateral-resisting building element, and the restriction of Portland cement plaster as a lateral-resisting building element to one-story structures of R-3 and U-1 occupancies.

Express Finding Number 3: Topographical. Areas of highly combustible dry grasses, weeds, brush and trees adjacent to structures are common throughout the city. Above-ground electrical power transmission lines are suspended through trees and above large areas of dry vegetation. The arrangement of man-made features around many buildings greatly limits any approach to all but one side of a building. The area immediately adjacent to the eastern border of the city has been classified as high and very high fire severity zones under the Fire and Resource Assessment Program of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. These topographical conditions, along with our climate, necessitate a greater requirement for fire-sprinklers in residential construction, a minimum Class A roof covering and adequate spark arrestors. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.02.060. Amend Section 101.4.1 Gas.

Section 101.4.1 first sentence is amended to read as follows:

101.4.1 Gas. The provisions of the California Plumbing Code and California Mechanical Codes shall apply in the installation of gas piping from the point of delivery, gas appliances and related accessories as covered in this code.

The remainder of the paragraph is retained as published. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.02.070. Amend Section 105.2 exception 1 Work exempt from permit.

Section 105.2 exception 1 is hereby deleted and amended to read as follows:

1. One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet. It is permissible for these structures to be regulated by Section 337 despite exemption from permit when they provide habitable living space.

Section 16.02.080. Amend Section 105.5 Expiration.

Section 105.5 is hereby deleted and amended to read as follows:

Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building, structure, equipment or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within twelve (12) months from the date of such permit, or if the building, structure, equipment or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days.

Before such work can recommence, a new permit shall be first obtained to do so, and the recommence fee shall be one half the amount required for a new permit (i.e. building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical fees only) for such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such work, and provided further such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year. To renew a permit after expiration for over one year, the permittee shall pay new full permit fee. The maximum life of any permit is three (3) years.

Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an extension of the time within which work may commence under that permit when the permittee is unable to commence work within the time frame required by this section for good and satisfactory reasons. The Building Official may extend the time for action by the permittee for a period not exceeding one hundred eighty (180) days on written request by the permittee showing circumstances beyond the control of the permittee that prevented action from being taken.

Section 16.02.090. Amend Section 107.1.2 Electric vehicle charging stations.

Section 107.1.2 of Chapter 1 of Division II of the California Building Code is hereby added to read:

107.1.2 Electric vehicle charging stations. Applications for electric vehicle charging stations may be processed utilizing the City of American Canyon Electric Vehicle Charging Station Expedited/Streamlined ordinance.

(Ord. 2019-02 § 1, 2019)

Section 16.02.095. Amend Section 202 General definitions.

Section 202 of Chapter 2 of the California Building Code is hereby amended to add or modify the following definitions to read:

City of American Canyon Electric Vehicle Charging Station Expedited/Streamlined Permitting Process. A ministerial permitting process for electric vehicle charging station installations that utilizes an application checklist to expedite review of an electric vehicle charging station permit. For such installations, the process, including permit issuance, may be conducted entirely online utilizing digital forms or may be conducted at the City's Building Permit Counter utilizing printed forms.

(Ord. 2019-02 § 1, 2019)

Section 16.02.100. Amend Section 109.2 Schedule of permit fees.

Section 109.2 is deleted and replaced as follows:

109.2 Permit fees. Each building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, and plumbing system or alteration that requires a permit shall include a fee payment in accordance with a schedule established by City Council Resolution.

The Building Official shall collect fees for permits and services specified in this title. Where the Building Official Director or designee finds the fees prescribed in this title do not cover the cost of providing the service which is the subject of the fee, the Building Official may charge a supplemental fee for the unpaid cost of the services provided.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.02.110. Amend Section 109.4 Work commencing before permit issuance.

Section 109.4 is deleted and replaced as follows:

109.4 Work commencing before permit issuance. Any person who commences any work on a building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system before obtaining the necessary permits shall be subject to a fee established by the Building Official that shall be in addition to the required permit fees. An investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, shall be collected whether or not a permit is then or subsequently issued. The investigation fee shall not exceed five times the permit fee required by this code. The minimum investigation fee set forth in the fee schedule adopted by this jurisdiction or a lesser fee than the fee resolution may be permitted on the merits of each individual case by the Building Official. The payment of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.02.120. Amend Section 901.2 Fire protection systems.

Chapter 9, Section 901.2 is hereby amended by repealing the first two sentences of Section 901.2 (thus, the provisions of Section 902.2.1 remain in effect) and replacing it with the following:

901.2 Construction documents. The Fire Chief shall have the authority to require construction documents and calculations for all fire protection systems and to require permits be issued for the installation, rehabilitation or modification of any fire protection system. Construction documents for fire protection systems shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.02.130. Amend Section 903.2 Where required.

Section 903.2 of Chapter 9 is deleted in its entirety based upon Express Findings 1 and 3 in Section 16.02.040, and replaced with the following section:

903.2: Item 1, Approved automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed throughout all existing commercial or multi-family residential building when the floor area of an addition (including mezzanines) exceeds 50% of the existing floor area of the building or when an additional story is added.

903.2: Item 2, Any change of occupancy when the proposed new occupancy classification is more hazardous based on a fire and life safety evaluation by the Fire Code Official and Building Code Official, including conversion of buildings to single-family residences, accessory dwelling units, bed and breakfast, inns, lodging houses or congregate residences for 10 or less persons or other similar uses an automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed throughout.

903.2 Where required. Approved automatic fire sprinkler systems shall be provided in new and existing buildings in the locations described in this section.

903.2.1 New Construction.

Regardless of any exception listed above or in the remainder of this code or the California Building Code, all buildings shall be equipped throughout with an approved fully automatic fire sprinkler system.

Fire Sprinklers shall not be required if one or more of the following exceptions are met:

1. Must comply with the American Canyon General Building Standards for residential, multi-family residential, commercial and industrial occupancies.

2. When approved by the Fire Code Official spaces or areas in telecommunications buildings used exclusively for telecommunications equipment, associated electrical power distribution equipment, batteries and standby engines, provided those spaces or areas are equipped throughout with an automatic fire alarm system and are separated from the remainder of the building by fire barriers consisting of no less than 1-hour fire-resistance-rated wall and 2-hour fire-resistance-rated floor/ ceiling assemblies.

3. Automatic fire sprinkler protection for fixed guideway transit systems shall be as per Section 903.2.17.

4. Detached Group U private garages and carports accessory to a Group R-3 occupancy and less than 1,000 square feet and with non-habitable space above.

5. Detached pool houses, workshops, barns and similar structures, built in conjunction with existing non-sprinklered single-family residences and provided the new structure is less than 1,000 square feet and is not intended for use as a dwelling unit.

6. Detached non-combustible canopies less than 3,000 square feet in roof area used exclusively for vehicle washing facilities or vehicle fuel dispensing stations.

7. Group B or M occupancies less than 600 square feet.

8. Detached, unenclosed gazebos, solar trellises or shade structures less than 1,000 square feet.

9. Detached restroom facilities associated with golf courses, parks and similar uses.

903.2.2 Additions. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout any existing commercial or multi-family residential building when the floor area of an addition (including mezzanines) within any three-year period exceeds 50% of the existing floor area of the building or when an additional story is added.

903.2.3 Change of occupancy. Any change of occupancy when the proposed new occupancy classification is more hazardous based on a fire and life safety evaluation by the Fire Code Official and Building Code Official, including conversion of buildings to single-family residences, accessory dwelling units, bed and breakfast, inns, lodging houses or congregate residences for 10 or less persons or other similar uses an automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed throughout.

903.2.4 Floor control valves. Approved supervised indicating control valves and flow switches shall be provided at the point of connection to the riser on each floor in buildings two or more stories in height.

903.2.8 Group R. An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3 shall be provided throughout all buildings with a Group R fire area.

An automatic sprinkler system designed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3 shall not be utilized in Group R-2.1 or Group R-4 Occupancies.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.02.140. Amend Section 905.3.1 Height.

Item 2 of Section 905.3.1 is deleted based upon Express Findings 1 and 3 in Section 16.02.040, and replaced with the following section:

905.3.1 Height.

2. Class I standpipes shall be installed in buildings three or more stories in height with approved outlets provided at each level including the roof when required by the Fire Code Official.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.02.150. Amend California Building Code Table 1505.1 Minimum Roof Covering Classification.

Table 1505.1 is to be deleted and based upon Express Findings 1 and 3 in Section 16.02.040, and replaced with the following:

Table 1505.1





(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.02.160. Amend Section 1512 Reroofing.

Section 1512 is amended and based upon Express Findings 1 and 3 in Section 16.02.040, to add the following section:

1512.6 Spark arrestor. Whenever a permit has been issued for reroofing a spark arrestor conforming to Section 2802 shall be installed (or the existing replaced if not in conformance with Section 2802) on all fireplace chimneys before final inspection and approval.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.02.180. Amend Section 1705.3 Concrete construction.

Delete Chapter 16.02.180. Should read "RESERVED."

Section 16.02.190. Amend Section 1809.8 Plain concrete footings.

Delete Section 1809.8 and replace as follows:

1809.8 Plain concrete footings. The edge thickness of plain concrete footings supporting walls of other than light-frame construction shall not be less than 8 inches (203 mm) where placed on soil and in all cases, as a minimum, one ½″ (51 mm) continuous rebar shall be placed at the top and at the bottom of all grade beams and spread footings.

Exception: For plain concrete footings supporting Groups R-3 and one-story Group U occupancies the edge thickness is permitted to be 6 inches (152 mm), provided the footing does not extend beyond a distance greater than the thickness of the footing on either side of the supported wall. In all cases, as a minimum, one ½″ (51 mm) continuous rebar shall be placed at the top and at the bottom of all grade beams and spread footings.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.02.210. Amend Section 1905.1.7 ACI 318-19, Section 14.1.4.

Section 1905.1.7 is deleted and based upon Express Findings 1 and 3 in Section 16.02.040 is amended to read as follows:

1905.1.7 ACI 318, Section 22.10. Delete ACI 318, Section 22.10, and replace with the following:

22.10 - Plain concrete in structures assigned to seismic design category C, D, E or F.

22.10.1 - Structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E or F shall not have elements of structural plain concrete, except as follows:

(a) Isolated footings of plain concrete supporting pedestals or columns are permitted, provided the projection of the footing beyond the face of the supported member does not exceed the footing thickness.

Exception: In detached one- and two-family dwelling three stories or less in height, the projection of the footing beyond the face of the supported member does not exceed the footing thickness.

(b) Plain concrete footing supporting walls are permitted, provided the footings have at least two continuous longitudinal reinforcing bars. Bars shall not be smaller than No. 4 and shall have a total area of not less than 0.002 times the gross cross-sectional area of the footing. A minimum of one bar shall be provided at the top and bottom of the footing. Continuity of reinforcement shall be provided at corners and intersections.

Exception: In detached one- and two-family dwellings three stories or less in height and constructed with stud bearing walls, plain concrete footings with at least two continuous longitudinal reinforcing bars not smaller than No. 4 are permitted to have a total area of less than 0.002 times the gross cross-sectional area of the footing.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.02.220. Amend Section 1907.1 General.

Section 1907.1 General is deleted and based upon Express Findings 1 and 3 in Section 16.02.040 is amended to read as follows:

1907.1 General. The thickness of concrete floor slabs supported directly on the ground shall not be less than 3 1/2 inches (89 mm). A 6-mil (0.006 inch; 0.15 mm) polyethylene retarder with joints lapped not less than 6 inches (152 mm) shall be placed between the base course or subgrade and the concrete floor slab, or other approved equivalent methods or materials shall be used to retard vapor transmission through the floor slab. As a minimum and in all cases where a slab is to be placed inside of a building, the slab shall be reinforced with not less than six inches by six inches ten-gauge welded wire mesh or an approved alternate installed at mid height of the slab.

Exception: A vapor retarder is not required:

1. For detached structures accessory to occupancies in Group R-3, such as garages, utility buildings or other unheated facilities.

2. For unheated storage rooms having an area of less than 70 square feet (6.5 m2) and carports attached to occupancies in Group R-3.

3. For buildings of other occupancies where migration of moisture through the slab from below will not be detrimental to the intended occupancy of the building.

4. For driveways, walks, patios and other flatwork which will not be enclosed at a later date.

5. Where approved based on local site conditions.

In all slabs under habitable spaces, a 4-inch (10 mm) crushed rock capillary water barrier shall be provided under the minimum 6 mil vapor retarder.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.02.260. Amend Appendix H Section H101.2 Signs exempt from permits.

Appendix Chapter H Section H101.2 is deleted and replaced as follows:

H101.2 Signs exempt from building and/or electrical permits. The following signs are exempt from the requirements to obtain a building and/or electrical permit before erection:

1. Painted non-illuminated signs not exceeding 9 square feet (2.74 m2).

2. Temporary signs announcing the sale or rent of property not exceeding 9 square feet (2.74 m2).

3. Signs erected by transportation authorities.

4. Projecting signs not exceeding 2.5 square feet (0.23 m2).

5. The changing of moveable parts of an approved sign that is designed for such changes, or the repainting or repositioning of display matter shall not be deemed an alteration.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)


Section 16.03.010. Title.

This chapter shall be cited as the California Residential Code of the city and any reference in the city municipal code or any chapter thereof to the California Residential Code applies to this chapter. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2,

Section 16.03.020. Code adoption.

The city of American Canyon adopts all those certain documents marked and designated, as "California Residential Code, 2022 Edition," together with Appendix H and V published and copyrighted by the International Code Council. The documents identified in this section are adopted in their entirety excepting additions, revisions and omissions listed in Sections 16.03.030 through 16.03.090 of this chapter. A copy of the adopted California Residential Code shall be kept on file in the office of the building official for use and examination by members of the public (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.03.030. Appendices.

The Residential Code as adopted by Section 16.03.020 is amended and adopted with the following appendices:

Appendix Chapter AH, Patio Covers

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Appendix Chapter AX, Swimming Pool Safety Act

Section 115922 is hereby deleted and amended to read as follows:

Except as provided in Section 115925, when a building permit is issued for construction of a new swimming pool or spa or the remodeling of an existing swimming pool or spa at a private single-family home, the respective swimming pool or spa shall be equipped with all three of the following drowning prevention safety features:

1. An enclosure that meets the requirements of Section 1215923 and isolates the swimming pool or spa from the private single-family home.

2. A self-closing, self-latching device with a release mechanism placed no lower than 54 inches above the floor on the private single-family home's doors providing direct access to the swimming pool or spa.

3. Exit alarms on the private single-family home's doors that provide direct access to the swimming pool or spa shall be equipped with audible alarm of sufficient volume that can be heard throughout the dwelling. The exit alarm may cause either an alarm noise or a verbal warning, such as a repeating notification that "the door to the pool is open." The alarm device shall be approved by the Building Official; or

4. A safety pool cover complying with the ASTM, in compliance with standard F1346-91 or approved by the Building Official may be used in lieu of alarm devices required for doors and sliding doors.

Section 16.03.040. Section R105.2.1 Work exempt from permits.

Item 1 of Section R105.2 exemptions is hereby deleted and amended to read as follows:

1. One-story detached accessory structure, used as tool sheds and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet, (11.15 m2). The height of the one story detached accessory structure shall not exceed 15 feet (4.75 m) at any point or as specified by local zoning ordinance. It is permissible these structures shall be regulated by Section 710 and R337 despite exemption from permit.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.03.045. Amend Section R105.5 Expiration.

Section R105.5 is hereby deleted and amended to read as follows:

Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building, structure, equipment or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 12 months from the date of such permit, or if the building, structure, equipment or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained to do so, and the fee shall be one half the amount required for a new permit (i.e. building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical fees only) for such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such work, and provided further that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year. To renew action on a permit after expiration, the permittee shall pay new full permit fee.

Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an extension of the time within which work may commence under that permit when the permittee is unable to commence work within the time frame required by this section for good and satisfactory reasons. The Building Official may extend the time for action by the permittee for a period not exceeding 180 days on written request by the permittee showing circumstances beyond the control of the permittee that have prevented action from being taken.

Section 16.03.050. Section R108.7 Re-inspection fee.

Section R108.7 is hereby added to read as follows:

R108.7 Re-inspection Fee. A re-inspection fee may be assessed for each inspection or re-inspection when such portion of work for which inspection is called is not complete or when corrections called for are not made.

This section is not to be interpreted as requiring re-inspection fees the first time a job is rejected for failure to comply with the requirements of this code, but as controlling the practice of calling for inspections before the job is ready for such inspection or re-inspection.

Re-inspection fees may be assessed when the inspection record card is not posted or otherwise available on the work site, the approved plans are not readily available to the inspector. For failure to provide access on the date for which inspection is requested, or for deviating from plans requiring the approval of the Building Official.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.03.060. Section R108.8 Violation penalties.

Section R108.8 is hereby added to read as follows:

108.8 Violation penalties. Any person who violates a provision of this code or fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who erects, constructs, alters or repairs a building or structure in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the Building Official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be subject to penalties as prescribed by law. An investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, shall be collected whether or not a permit is then or subsequently issued. The investigation fee shall not exceed five times the permit fee required by this code. The minimum investigation fee set forth in the fee schedule adopted by this jurisdiction or a lesser fee than the fee resolution may be permitted on the merits of each individual case by the Building Official. The payment of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.03.065. Section R313.2 One- and two-family dwellings automatic fire systems, Exception.

Section R313.2, Exception number 1 is hereby deleted and replaced by the following sentence:

An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout any existing one- or two-family dwelling when the floor area of the addition (including mezzanines) exceeds 50% of the existing floor area of the building or when an additional story is added.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.03.070. Amend Section R506.2.4 Reinforcement support.

Section R506.2.4 is deleted and based upon Express Findings 1 and 3 in Section 16.03.030 is amended to read as follows:

R506.2.4 Reinforcement support. Where provided in slabs on ground, reinforcement shall be supported to remain in place from the center to upper one third of the slab for the duration of the concrete placement. As a minimum, and in all cases where a slab is to be placed inside of a building, the slab shall be reinforced with not less than six inches by six inches ten-gauge welded wire mesh, or an approved alternate.

In all slabs under habitable spaces, a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) of crushed rock capillary water barrier shall be provided under a minimum 10 mil vapor retarder. The vapor barrier shall be protected by a minimum of 2 inches (51 mm) of sand or equivalent protection.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.03.080. Amend Section R907 Rooftop Mounted Photovoltaic Panel Systems.

Section R907.1.1 and 907.1.2 are hereby added based upon Express Findings 1 and 3 in Section 16.03.030 to read as follows:

R907.1.1 Solar photovoltaic panels/modules. Solar photovoltaic panels/modules installed upon a roof or as an integral part of a roof assembly shall comply with the requirements of this code and the California Fire Code as amended by the City of American Canyon.

R907.1.2 Structural fire-resistance. The structural frame and roof construction supporting the load imposed upon the roof by the photovoltaic panels/modules shall comply with the requirements of the California Building Code Sections 1510 and 1511.

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.03.090. Amend Section R202 General definitions.

Section R202 of Chapter 2 of the California Residential Code is hereby amended to add the following definitions to read:

City of American Canyon Electric Vehicle Charging Station Expedited/Streamlined Permitting Process: A ministerial permitting process for electric vehicle charging station installations that utilizes an application checklist to expedite review of an electric vehicle charging station permit. For such installations, the process, including permit issuance, may be conducted entirely online utilizing digital forms or may be conducted at the City's Building Permit Counter utilizing printed forms.

(Ord. 2019-02 § 1, 2019)


Section 16.04.010. Title.

This chapter shall be cited as the "California Electrical Code" of the city of American Canyon and any reference in the city municipal code or any chapter thereof to the California Electrical Code, CEC, or Electrical Code, refers and applies to this (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.04.020. Code adoption.

The city of American Canyon does hereby adopt all those certain documents marked and designated, as "California Electrical Code, 2022 Edition," published by BNI Publications, Inc., and copyrighted by the National Fire Protection Association and the California Building Standards Commission. The documents identified in this section are adopted in their entirety. A copy of the adopted California Electrical Code shall be kept on file in the office of the building official for use and examination by members of the public. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)


Section 16.05.010. Title.

This chapter shall be cited as the "California Mechanical Code" of the city and any reference in the city municipal code or any chapter thereof to the California Mechanical Code, CMC or Mechanical Code refers and applies to this chapter. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.05.020. Code adoption.

The city of American Canyon does hereby adopt all those certain documents marked and designated, as "California Mechanical Code, 2022 Edition," published by International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials and copyrighted by International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials and the California Building Standards Commission. The documents identified in this section are adopted in their entirety. A copy of the adopted California Mechanical Code shall be kept on file in the office of the building official for use and examination by members of the public. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)


Section 16.06.010. Title.

This chapter shall be cited as the "California Plumbing Code" of the city and any reference in the city municipal code or any chapter thereof to the Uniform Plumbing Code, CPC or Plumbing Code refers and applies to this chapter. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.06.020. Code adoption.

The city of American Canyon does hereby adopt all those certain documents marked and designated, as "California Plumbing Code, 2022 Edition," published by International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials and copyrighted by International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials and the California Building Standards Commission. The documents identified in this section are adopted in their entirety excepting additions, revisions and omissions listed in Sections 16.06.030 and 16.06.040 of this chapter. A copy of the adopted California Plumbing Code shall be kept on file in the office of the building official for use and examination by members of the public. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.06.030. Appendices.

The Plumbing Code as adopted by Section 16.06.020 is amended and adopted with the following appendices sections:

Appendix C Alternate Plumbing Systems

Appendix D Sizing Storm Water Drainage Systems

Appendix I Installation Standards

(Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.06.040. Adopt Chapter 16A, Part II Non-potable water reuse systems.

Chapter 16A, Part II is adopted in its entirety. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)


Section 16.07.010. Title.

This chapter shall be cited as the "California Energy Code" of the city of American Canyon and any reference in the city municipal code or any chapter thereof to the California Energy Code, or Energy Code, refers and applies to this chapter. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.07.020. Code adoption.

The city of American Canyon does hereby adopt all those certain documents marked and designated, as "California Energy Code, 2022 Edition," by the California Building Standards Commission. The documents identified in this section are adopted in their entirety. A copy of the adopted California Energy Code shall be kept on file in the office of the building official for use and examination by members of the public. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)


Section 16.08.010. Title.

This chapter shall be cited as the "California Historical Code" of the city of American Canyon and any reference in the city municipal code or any chapter thereof to the California Historical Building Code, or Historical Building Code, refers and applies to this chapter. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Section 16.08.020. Code adoption.

The city of American Canyon does hereby adopt all those certain documents marked and designated, as "California Historical Building Code, 2022 Edition," published by the International Code Council and copyrighted by the California Building Standards Commission. The documents identified in this section are adopted in their entirety. A copy of the adopted California Historical Building Code shall be kept on file in the office of the building official for use and examination by members of the public. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2, 2016)


Section 16.09.010. Title.

This chapter shall be cited as the "California Existing Building Code" of the city of American Canyon and any reference in the city municipal code or any chapter thereof to the California Existing Building Code, refers and applies to this chapter.

Section 16.09.020. Code adoption.

The city of American Canyon does hereby adopt all those certain documents marked and designated, as "California Existing Building Code, 2022 Edition," published by the International Code Council and copyrighted by the California Building Standards Commission. The documents identified in this section are adopted in their entirety. A copy of the adopted California Existing Building Code shall be kept on file in the office of the building official for use and examination by members of the public.


Section 16.11.010. Title.

This chapter shall be cited as the "California Green Building Standards Code" of the city of American Canyon and any reference in the city municipal code or any chapter thereof to the California Green Building Standards Code, or CALGreen, refers and applies to this chapter.

Section 16.11.020. Code adoption.

The city of American Canyon does hereby adopt all those certain documents marked and designated, as "California Green Building Standards Code, 2022 Edition," published by the California Building Standards Commission. The documents identified in this section are adopted in their entirety. A copy of the adopted California Green Building Standards Code shall be kept on file in the office of the building official for use and examination by members of the public.


Section 16.13.010. Adoption and intent.

This chapter establishes regulations as amendments to the building code for the expeditious repair of damaged structures. In the event an amendment to the California Building Standards Code results in differences between these building standards and the California Building Standards Code, the text of these building standards shall govern. In accordance with California Health and Safety Code Section 17958.7, express findings that modifications to the California Building Standards Code are reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological or topographical conditions are either already on file with the California Building Standards Commission prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter. In accordance with California Government Code Section 50022.6, at least one true copy of the California Building Code has been on file with the building official since fifteen days prior to enactment of the ordinance codified in this chapter. While this chapter is in force, a true copy of this chapter shall be kept for public inspection in the office of the building official. (Ord. 2008-13, 2008)

Section 16.13.020. Definitions.

For the purposes of this chapter, the following definition applies and is hereby added to Section 3402.1 Definitions of the 2022 California Building Code (CBC):

Substantial Structural Damage. A condition where:

3403. In any story, the vertical elements of the lateral-force-resisting system, have suffered damage such that the lateral load-carrying capacity of the structure in any direction has been reduced by more than 20 percent from its pre-damaged condition, or

3403. The capacity of any vertical gravity load-carrying component, or any group of such components, that supports more than 30 percent of the total area of the structure's floor(s) and roof(s) has been reduced more than 20 percent from its pre-damaged condition, and the remaining capacity of such affected elements with respect to all dead and live loads is less than 75 percent of that required by the building code for new buildings of similar structure, purpose, and location.

(Ord. 2008-13, 2008)

Section 16.13.030. Repairs.

For the purposes of this chapter, the following repair requirements are hereby added as a new Subsection 3403.5 to Section 3403 Additions, Alterations or Repair in the 2022 California Building Code (CBC):

3403.5.1 Repairs. Repairs of structural elements shall comply with this section.

3403.5.1.1 Seismic Evaluation and Design. Seismic evaluation and design of an existing building and its components shall be based on the following criteria.

3403. Evaluation and Design Procedures. The seismic evaluation and design shall be based on the procedures specified in the building code, ASCE 41 Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings (for evaluation only) or ASCE 41 Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings. The procedures contained in Appendix A of the International Existing Building Code shall be permitted to be used as specified in Section 3403.

3403. CBC Level Seismic Forces. When seismic forces are required to meet the building code level, they shall be one of the following:

1. 100 percent of the values in the building code. The R factor used for analysis in accordance with Chapter 16 of the building code shall be the R factor specified for structural systems classified as "Ordinary" unless it can be demonstrated that the structural system satisfies the proportioning and detailing requirements for systems classified as "Intermediate" or "Special."

3403. Forces corresponding to BSE-1 and BSE-2 Earthquake Hazard Levels defined in ASCE 41. Where ASCE 41 is used, the corresponding performance levels shall be those shown in Table 3403.

Table 3403.

ASCE 41 Performance Levels

Occupancy Category (Based on IBC Table 1604.5) Performance Level for Use With ASCE 41 BSE-1 Earthquake Hazard Level Performance Level for Use With ASCE 41 BSE-2 Earthquake Hazard Level
I Life Safety (LS) Collapse Prevention (CP)
II Life Safety (LS) Collapse Prevention (CP)
III Note (a) Note (a)
IV Immediate Occupancy (IO) Life Safety (LS)

3403. Performance Levels for Occupancy Category III shall be taken as halfway between the performance levels specified for Occupancy Category II and Occupancy Category IV.

3403. Reduced CBC Level Seismic Forces. When seismic forces are permitted to meet reduced building code levels, they shall be one of the following:

1. 75 percent of the forces prescribed in the building code. The R factor used for analysis in accordance with Chapter 16 of the building code shall be the R factor as specified in Section 3403.

3403. In accordance with the applicable chapters in Appendix A of the International Existing Building Code as specified in Items 2.1 through 2.5 below. Structures or portions of structures that comply with the requirements of the applicable chapter in Appendix A shall be deemed to comply with the requirements for reduced building code force levels.

2.1. The seismic evaluation and design of unreinforced masonry bearing wall buildings in Occupancy Category I or II are permitted to be based on the procedures specified in Appendix Chapter A1.

2.2. Seismic evaluation and design of the wall anchorage system in reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry wall buildings with flexible diaphragms in Occupancy Category I or II are permitted to be based on the procedures specified in Appendix Chapter A2.

2.3. Seismic evaluation and design of cripple walls and sill plate anchorage in residential buildings of light-frame wood construction in Occupancy Category I or II are permitted to be based on the procedures specified in Appendix Chapter A3.

2.4. Seismic evaluation and design of soft, weak, or open-front wall conditions in multiunit residential buildings of wood construction in Occupancy Category I or II are permitted to be based on the procedures specified in Appendix Chapter A4.

2.5. Seismic evaluation and design of concrete buildings and concrete with masonry infill buildings in all Occupancy Categories are permitted to be based on the procedures specified in Appendix Chapter A5.

3. Those associated with the BSE-1 Earthquake Hazard Level defined in ASCE 41 and the performance level as shown in Table 3403. Where ASCE 41 is used, the design spectral response acceleration parameters Sxs and Sx1 shall not be taken less than 75 percent of the respective design seismic coefficients 2.5Ca and Cv as defined in Tables 16-Q and 16-R of the International Building Code.

3403.6.1.2 Wind Design. Wind design of existing buildings shall be based on the procedures specified in the building code.

3403.6.2 Repairs to Damaged Buildings. Repairs to damaged buildings shall comply with this section.

3403.6.2.1 Unsafe Conditions. Regardless of the extent of structural damage, unsafe conditions shall be eliminated.

3403.6.2.2 Substantial Structural Damage to Vertical Elements of the Lateral–Force-Resisting System. A building that has sustained substantial structural damage to the vertical elements of its lateral-force-resisting system shall be evaluated and repaired in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 3403. through 3403.

3403. Evaluation. The building shall be evaluated by a registered design professional, and the evaluation findings shall be submitted to the code official. The evaluation shall establish whether the damaged building, if repaired to its pre-damage state, would comply with the provisions of the building code. Wind forces for this evaluation shall be those prescribed in the building code. Seismic forces for this evaluation are permitted to be the reduced level seismic forces specified in Code Section 3403.

3403. Extent of Repair for Compliant Buildings. If the evaluation establishes compliance of the pre-damage building in accordance with Section 3403., then repairs shall be permitted that restore the building to its pre-damage state, using materials and strengths that existed prior to the damage.

3403. Extent of Repair for Non-Compliant Buildings. If the evaluation does not establish compliance of the pre-damage building in accordance with Section 3403., then the building shall be rehabilitated to comply with applicable provisions of the building code for load combinations including wind or seismic forces. The wind design level for the repair shall be as required by the building code in effect at the time of original construction unless the damage was caused by wind, in which case the design level shall be as required by the code in effect at the time of original construction or as required by the building code, whichever is greater. Seismic forces for this rehabilitation design shall be those required for the design of the predamaged building, but not less than the reduced level seismic forces specified in Section 3403. New structural members and connections required by this rehabilitation design shall comply with the detailing provisions of the building code for new buildings of similar structure, purpose, and location.

3403.6.2.3 Substantial Structural Damage to Vertical Load-Carrying Components. Vertical load-carrying components that have sustained substantial structural damage shall be rehabilitated to comply with the applicable provisions for dead and live loads in the building code. Undamaged vertical load-carrying components that receive dead or live loads from rehabilitated components shall also be rehabilitated to carry the design loads of the rehabilitation design. New structural members and connections required by this rehabilitation design shall comply with the detailing provisions of the building code for new buildings of similar structure, purpose, and location.

3403. Lateral Force-Resisting Elements. Regardless of the level of damage to vertical elements of the lateral force-resisting system, if substantial structural damage to vertical load-carrying components was caused primarily by wind or seismic effects, then the building shall be evaluated in accordance with Section 3403. and, if non-compliant, rehabilitated in accordance with Section 3403.

3403.6.2.4 Less than Substantial Structural Damage. For damage less than substantial structural damage, repairs shall be allowed that restore the building to its pre-damage state, using materials and strengths that existed prior to the damage. New structural members and connections used for this repair shall comply with the detailing provisions of the building code for new buildings of similar structure, purpose, and location.

3403.6.3 Referenced Standards.

Standard Referenced

Reference In Code

Number Title Section Number

ASCE 41-03 Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings 3403.

TABLE 3403., 3403.

ASCE 41-06 Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings 3403., 3403.

TABLE 3403., 3403.

(Ord. 2019-12, 2008-13, 2008)


Section 16.15.010. Intent and purpose.

The intent and purpose of this chapter is to adopt an expedited, streamlined solar permitting process that complies with the Solar Rights Act and AB 2188 (Chapter 521, Statutes 2014) to achieve timely and cost-effective installations of small residential rooftop solar energy systems. This chapter is designed to encourage the use of solar systems by removing unreasonable barriers, minimizing costs to property owners and the city, and expanding the ability of property owners to install solar energy systems. This chapter allows the city to achieve these goals while protecting the public health and safety. (Ord. 2015-09 § 1, 2015)

Section 16.15.020. Applicability.

A. This chapter applies to the permitting of all small residential rooftop solar energy systems in the city.

B. Small residential rooftop solar energy systems legally established or permitted prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter are not subject to the requirements of this chapter unless physical modifications or alterations are undertaken that materially change the size, type, or components of a small rooftop solar energy system in such a way as to require new permitting. Routine operation and maintenance of like-kind replacements shall not require a permit. (Ord. 2015-09 § 1, 2015)

Section 16.15.030. Definitions.

"Association" means a nonprofit corporation or unincorporated association created for the purpose of managing a common interest development.

"Building division" means the building and safety division for the city of American Canyon.

"Building official" means the chief building official for the city of American Canyon.

"City" means the city of American Canyon.

"Common interest development" means any of the following:

1. A community apartment project.

2. A condominium project.

3. A planned development.

4. A stock cooperative.

"Electronic submittal" means the utilization of one or more of the following:

1. Email;

2. The Internet; or

3. Facsimile.

"Expedited permitting," and "expedited review," means the process outlined in Section 16.15.070 entitled "Expedited permit review and inspection requirements."

A "feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific, adverse impact" includes, but is not limited to, any cost-effective method, condition or mitigation imposed by the city on another similarly situated application in a prior successful application for a similar permit.

"Reasonable restrictions" on a solar energy system are those restrictions that do not significantly increase the cost of the system or significantly decrease its efficiency or specified performance, or that allow for an alternative system of comparable cost, efficiency, and energy conservation benefits.

"Restrictions that do not significantly increase the cost of the system or decrease its efficiency or specified performance" means:

1. For water heater systems or solar swimming pool heating systems: an amount exceeding ten percent of the cost of the system, but in no case more than one thousand dollars, or decreasing the efficiency of the solar energy system by an amount exceeding ten percent as originally specified and proposed.

2. For photovoltaic systems: an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars over the cost of the system as originally specified and proposed, or a decrease in system efficiency of an amount exceeding ten percent as originally specified and proposed.

"Small residential rooftop solar energy system" means all of the following:

1. A solar energy system that is not larger than ten kilowatts alternating current nameplate rating or thirty kilowatts thermal.

2. A solar energy system that conforms to all applicable state fire, structural, electrical, and other building codes as adopted or amended by the city of American Canyon and all state of California health and safety standards.

3. A solar energy system that is installed on a single- or duplex-family dwelling.

4. A solar panel or module array that does not exceed the maximum legal building height as defined by the city of American Canyon.

"Solar energy system" means either of the following:

1. Any solar collector or other solar energy device whose primary purpose is to provide for the collection, storage, and distribution of solar energy for space heating, space cooling, electric generation, or water heating.

2. Any structural design feature of a building whose primary purpose is to provide for the collection, storage, and distribution of solar energy for electricity generation, space heating, space cooling or water heating.

"Specific, adverse impact" means a significant, quantifiable, direct and unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified and written public health or safety standards, policies or conditions as they existed on the date the application was deemed complete. (Ord. 2015-09 § 1, 2015)

Section 16.15.040. Solar energy system requirements.

A. All solar energy systems shall meet applicable health and safety standards and requirements imposed by the city and the state of California.

B. Solar energy systems for heating water in single-family residences and for heating water in commercial or swimming pool applications shall be certified by an accredited listing agency as defined by the California Plumbing and Mechanical Code.

C. Solar energy systems for producing electricity shall meet all applicable safety and performance standards established by the California Electrical Code, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and accredited testing laboratories such as Underwriters Laboratories and, where applicable, rules of the public utilities commission regarding safety and reliability. (Ord. 2015-09 § 1, 2015)

Section 16.15.050. Aesthetic installation.

Electrical metallic tubing (EMT) and other forms of conduit is not permitted in exposed exterior locations visible from the public right-of-way. Exposed conduit placed toward the rear of the house out of view of the public right-of-way shall be painted to match the color of the house. (Ord. 2015-09 § 1, 2015)

Section 16.15.060. Duties of community development department and building official.

A. All documents required for the submission of an expedited small residential rooftop solar energy system application shall be made available on the city's publicly accessible website.

B. Electronic submittal of the required permit application and documents via email, the city's website, or facsimile shall be made available to all small residential rooftop solar energy system permit applicants.

C. An applicant's electronic signature shall be accepted on all forms, applications, and other documents in lieu of a wet signature.

D. The building division shall adopt a standard plan and checklist of all requirements with which small residential rooftop solar energy systems shall comply to be eligible for expedited review.

E. The small residential rooftop solar system permit process, standard plans, and checklist shall substantially conform to the recommendations for expedited permitting, including the checklist and standard contained in the most current version of the California Solar Permitting Guidebook adopted by the Governor's Office of Planning and Research.

F. All fees prescribed for the permitting of small residential rooftop solar energy systems must comply with Government Code Sections 65850.55 and 66015 and Health and Safety Code Section 17951. (Ord. 2015-09 § 1, 2015)

Section 16.15.070. Expedited permit review and inspection requirements.

A. The building division shall adopt an administrative, nondiscretionary review process to expedite the approval of small residential rooftop solar energy system applications within thirty days of adoption of this chapter. For an application for a small residential rooftop solar energy system that meets the requirements of the approved checklist and standard plan, the building division shall issue a building permit or other non-discretionary permit within three business days. The building official may require an applicant to apply for a use permit if the official finds, based on substantial evidence, that the solar energy system could have a specific, adverse impact upon the public health and safety.

B. Review of the application shall be limited to the building official's review of whether the applicant meets local, state and federal health and safety requirements.

C. If a use permit is required, the building official may deny an application for the use permit if the official makes written findings based upon substantive evidence in the record that the proposed installation would have a specific, adverse impact upon public health or safety and there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific, adverse impact. Such findings shall include the basis for the rejection of the potential feasible alternative for preventing the adverse impact.

D. Any condition imposed on an application shall be designed to mitigate the specific, adverse impact upon health and safety at the lowest possible cost. The city shall use its best efforts to ensure that the selected method, condition, or mitigation meets the conditions of Civil Code Sections 714(d)(1)(A) and (B).

E. The city shall not condition the approval of an application on the approval of an association as defined in Civil Code Section 4080.

F. If an application for a small residential rooftop solar energy system is deemed incomplete, a written correction notice detailing all deficiencies in the application and any additional information or documentation required to be eligible for expedited permitting shall be sent to the applicant for resubmission.

G. Only one inspection shall be required and performed by the building division for small residential rooftop solar energy systems eligible for expedited review.

H. The inspection shall be done in a timely manner and should include consolidated inspections. An inspection will be scheduled within two business days of a request.

I. If a small residential rooftop solar energy system fails inspection, a subsequent inspection is authorized but need not conform to the requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 2015-09 § 1, 2015)


Section 16.16.010. Title.

This chapter shall be cited as the "California Administrative Code" of the city of American Canyon and any reference in the city municipal code or any chapter thereof to the California Administrative Code, refers and applies to this chapter.

Section 16.16.020. Code adoption.

The city of American Canyon does hereby adopt all those certain documents marked and designated, as "California Administrative Code, 2022 Edition," published by the International Code Council and copyrighted by the California Building Standards Commission. The documents identified in this section are adopted in their entirety. A copy of the adopted California Administrative Code shall be kept on file in the office of the building official for use and examination by members of the public.


Section 16.17.010. Title.

This chapter shall be cited as the "California Referenced Standards Code" of the city of American Canyon and any reference in the city municipal code or any chapter thereof to the California Referenced Standards Code, refers and applies to this chapter.

Section 16.17.020. Code adoption.

The city of American Canyon does hereby adopt all those certain documents marked and designated, as "California Referenced Standards Code, 2022 Edition," published by the International Code Council and copyrighted by the California Building Standards Commission. The documents identified in this section are adopted in their entirety. A copy of the adopted California Referenced Standards Code shall be kept on file in the office of the building official for use and examination by members of the public.


Section 16.18.010. Title.

This chapter shall be cited as the "International Property Maintenance Code" of the city of American Canyon and any reference in the city municipal code or any chapter thereof to the International Property Maintenance Code, refers and applies to this chapter.

Section 16.18.020. Code adoption.

The city of American Canyon does hereby adopt all those certain documents marked and designated, as "International Property Maintenance Code, 2021 Edition," published by the International Code Council and copyrighted by the International Code Council. The documents identified in this section are adopted in their entirety. A copy of the adopted International Property Maintenance Code shall be kept on file in the office of the building official for use and examination by members of the public.

Exhibit B

Section 16.02.040. Findings and determination.

As permitted in Health and Safety Code Section 17958.7, the city of American Canyon finds and determines the local amendments to the 2022 California Building Code are either administrative in nature or reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the public due to local climatic, geological or topographical conditions. Those findings are as follows:

Express Finding Number 1: Climatic. The city is located in a climatic zone with precipitation ranging from fifteen to twenty-six inches per year. Ninety-five percent of precipitation falls during the months of November through April, leaving a dry period of approximately six months each year. Relative humidity remains moderate most of the time. High temperatures in the summer average in the mid-eighty degrees Fahrenheit and in the winter in the mid-fifty degrees Fahrenheit. Prevailing winds in the area are common with gusts up to thirty-five miles per hour. These climatic conditions, along with our topography, necessitate a greater requirement for fire-sprinklers in residential construction, a minimum Class A roof covering and adequate spark arrestors.

Express Finding Number 2: Geological. The city is located in Seismic Design Category D, which is indicative of high seismic vulnerability. The West Napa fault is documented to be present in our city. The area includes various soil conditions and areas with significant movement potential. Buildings and other structures in Seismic Design Category D can experience major seismic damage. These geological conditions necessitate the prohibition of gypsum as a lateral-resisting building element, and the restriction of Portland cement plaster as a lateral-resisting building element to one-story structures of R-3 and U-1 occupancies.

Express Finding Number 3: Topographical. Areas of highly combustible dry grasses, weeds, brush and trees adjacent to structures are common throughout the city. Above-ground electrical power transmission lines are suspended through trees and above large areas of dry vegetation. The arrangement of man-made features around many buildings greatly limits any approach to all but one side of a building. The area immediately adjacent to the eastern border of the city has been classified as high and very high fire severity zones under the Fire and Resource Assessment Program of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. These topographical conditions, along with our climate, necessitate a greater requirement for fire-sprinklers in residential construction, a minimum Class A roof covering and adequate spark arrestors. (Ord. 2019-12 § 2016-12 § 2, 2016)

Law Information


  • Ord. No. 2022-05 (PDF)
  • City of American Canyon, Cal., Ord. No. 2022-05


January 1, 2023


November 15, 2022