{"t": "City of American Canyon Legislative Drafting Manual.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual", "et": "document", "sc": "City of American Canyon, Cal., Legis. Drafting Manual", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Legis. Drafting Manual", "sd": true, "c": [{"t": "1 Division of Responsibilities.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#1", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 1", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Legis. Drafting Manual|1", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#1(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1(a)", "x": "Department staff responsible for the ordinance should work with the attorne"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#1(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1(b)", "x": "In any code amendment, the drafter shall take time to eliminate duplicative"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#1(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1(c)", "x": "The drafter shall consider powers and duties of boards, commissions, or off"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#1(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 1(d)", "x": "The City Clerk's Office is responsible for the final formatting of all ordi"}]}, {"t": "2 General Formatting Guidelines.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 2", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Legis. Drafting Manual|2", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(a)(1)", "x": "Top & Bottom margins at 1.0, Left & Right margins at 1.25"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(a)(2)", "x": "Text is formatted to be justified."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(a)(3)", "x": "Font is Calibri at 12 pt."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(a)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(a)(4)", "x": "Line spacing shall be 1.0 and a blank line shall follow each paragraph."}], "x": "Page layout."}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(b)(1)", "x": "\"Title\", \"Chapter\", \"Article\", and \"Section\" shall be capitalized. Subsecti"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(b)(2)", "x": "Capitalize \"City Council\" and \"City\" if referring to City of American Canyo"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(b)(3)", "x": "Titles of Federal, State, or County codes and agencies shall be capitalized"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(b)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(b)(4)", "x": "Commas shall be used to separate all items in a series: \"planes, trains, an"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(b)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(b)(5)", "x": "Numbers from 1-99 will be written out: two (2), ninety-nine (99). Numbers o"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(b)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(b)(6)", "x": "Time of day will be: 11:30 p.m., 12 Noon, 1:15 a.m."}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(b)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(b)(7)", "x": "Abbreviations should be avoided, type \"square feet\" not \"sq. ft.\""}], "x": "Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization."}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(c)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(c)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(c)(1)(A)", "x": "City of American Canyon Municipal Code:"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(c)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(c)(1)(B)", "x": "City of American Canyon Ordinance:"}], "x": "All citations shall follow the California Style Manual Fourth Edition (http"}], "x": "Citations."}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(d)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(d)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(d)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(d)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(d)(1)(A)", "x": "Titles are optional."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(d)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(d)(1)(B)", "x": "Titles shall be sentence cased and end with a period or colon."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(d)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(d)(1)(C)", "x": "Subsection text shall continue on the same line as the title."}], "x": "Titles."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(d)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(d)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(d)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(d)(2)(A)", "x": "consecutive upper-case letters with left indent of 0\";"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(d)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(d)(2)(B)", "x": "consecutive Arabic numerals with left indent of 0.5\";"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(d)(2)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(d)(2)(C)", "x": "consecutive lower-case letters with left indent of 1\"; and"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(d)(2)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(d)(2)(D)", "x": "consecutive lower-case Roman numerals with left indent of 1.5\"."}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(d)(2)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(d)(2)(E)", "x": "consecutive upper-case letters with left indent of 2\"."}], "x": "Numbered subsections."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(d)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(d)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(d)(3)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(d)(3)(A)", "x": "Unnumbered subsections belonging to a section shall have a 0\" left indent a"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(d)(3)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(d)(3)(B)", "x": "Unnumbered subsections belonging to a numbered subsection shall be indented"}], "x": "Unnumbered subsections."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#2(d)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 2(d)(4)", "x": "Lists."}], "x": "Subsections."}]}, {"t": "3 Code guidelines.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#3", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 3", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Legis. Drafting Manual|3", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#3(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 3(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/drafting-manual#3(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 3(a)(1)", "x": "Titles shall be numbered with sequential Arabic numerals: \"Title