City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

9.07.020 Legislative purpose.

The purposes of this chapter are to:

(A) Protect the public health, safety and general welfare;

(B) Promote the reduction of underage drinking by imposing a civil fine on persons responsible for a party, gathering or event where alcoholic beverages are consumed by, served to or in the possession or control of underage persons;

(C) Facilitate the enforcement of laws prohibiting the service to, consumption of or possession or control of alcoholic beverages by underage persons; and

(D) To offset the city's costs associated with providing fire, police, and other emergency services to a party, gathering or event by imposing a civil fee upon social hosts and/or landowners (including landlords) who allow such party, gathering or event to occur on their premises, at their residences, or at rented facilities for the recovery of costs associated with providing fire, police, and other emergency services to a party, gathering or event where alcohol is served to, consumed by or in the possession or control of an underage person.