City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

9.04.140 Record of cost of abatement notice and hearing to confirm.

(A) The city manager or designee shall keep an account of the costs, including incidental expenses, of abating such public nuisance on each separate lot or parcel of land where the work is done by the city and shall render an itemized report in writing to the city council showing the cost of abatement, including the rehabilitation, demolition or repair of said property, including any salvage value relating thereto; provided that before said report is submitted to the city council, a copy of the same together with a notice of the time when said report shall be heard by the city council for confirmation, shall be served upon the owner of the property in accordance with the provisions of Section 9.04.070 of this chapter at least ten days prior to submitting the same to the city council. Proof of said service shall be made by affidavit filed with the city clerk.

(B) At the time fixed for hearing, the city council shall consider the correctness or reasonableness of the costs included in the accounting together with any protests or objections as may be offered against it, and shall correct, modify or amend the same, after which, by motion, the accounting as submitted, corrected, modified or amended shall be confirmed. The hearing may be continued from time to time.

(C) The term "incidental expenses" means and includes, but is not limited to, the personnel costs, both direct and indirect, including attorneys' fees, costs incurred in documenting the nuisance, the actual expenses and costs of the city in the preparation of notices, specifications and contracts, and in inspecting the work, and the costs of printing and mailing required hereunder.