City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

9.04.050 Inspection.

(A) Authorized Representatives. The city manager and the community development director or their designated representatives are authorized to make inspections and take such actions as may be required by this chapter to abate public nuisances.

(B) Inspection of Premises. Whenever there is a reasonable cause to believe that a condition, activity or use of property exists which constitutes a public nuisance, the city manager or community development director or a designated representative may seek to enter the premises at a reasonable time for the purpose of inspection. If the premises are occupied, entry shall be requested and proper credentials shall be presented. If the premises are unoccupied, a reasonable effort shall be made to locate the property owner. If entry is refused or if the property cannot be located, a twenty-four written notice of intent to inspect shall be left at the premises. The notice shall state that the property owner or occupant of the property has the right to refuse entry and if such entry is refused, the city may seek assistance from a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain entry to inspect the premises.