City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

8.12.030 Administration and enforcement—Authority and procedures.

(A) The noise control program established by this chapter shall be administered by the community development director or by the director's designated representatives, and shall be enforced by

the community development director and the police chief or their designated representatives unless otherwise expressly provided herein.

(B) In order to implement and enforce this chapter, and for the general purpose of noise abatement and control, the community development director, as city noise control officer (hereinafter "NCO"), shall have, in addition to any other authority vested in the director, the power to:

(1) Studies. Conduct or cause to be conducted studies, research and monitoring related to noise, including joint cooperative investigation with public or private agencies, and the application for and acceptance of grants;

(2) Education. Conduct programs of public education regarding the cause, effect and general methods of abatement and control of noise and the actions prohibited by this chapter, and the procedures for reporting violations. Public interest groups shall be encouraged in related public information efforts;

(3) Training. Provide for training of field inspectors and other technical personnel concerned with noise abatement, in conformance with standards for technical qualifications as established by the State Office of Noise Control;

(4) Coordination and Cooperation.

(a) Coordinate the noise-control activities of all city departments,

(b) Cooperate where practicable with all appropriate state and federal agencies,

(c) Cooperate where practicable with appropriate county and municipal agencies;

(5) Public and Private Projects. On all public and private projects which are likely to cause noise in violation of this chapter and which are subject to mandatory review or approval by other departments:

(a) Review for compliance with the intent and provisions of this chapter,

(b) Require sound analyses which identify existing and projected noise sources and associated noise levels;

(6) Inspections. Upon presentation of proper credentials, enter upon and inspect any private property of place, at any time when granted permission by the owner, or by some other person with apparent authority to act for the owner. When permission is refused or cannot be obtained, an inspection warrant may be obtained from a court of competent jurisdiction upon showing of probable cause to believe that a violation of this chapter may exist. Such inspection authority may include the conduct of any necessary tests;

(7) Zoning Changes. Prior to the approval of any zoning change:

(a) Review the potential noise impact of the zoning change by identifying existing and projected noise sources and the associated sound levels,

(b) Recommend the imposition of adequate control measures on noise sources identified.

(C) Duties of the Noise Control Officer.

(1) Develop measurement standards and procedures which will further the purposes of this chapter;

(2) Develop administrative procedures which will provide for effective enforcement of this chapter;

(3) Investigate and pursue possible violations of this chapter;

(4) Where appropriate under this chapter, delegate functions to personnel within the department;

(5) Assist in or review the total transportation planning of the city, including planning for new roads and highways, bus routes, airports, and other systems of public transportation, to insure that proper consideration is taken with regard to the impact of sound levels and that the policies set forth in the noise element are adhered to;

(6) Provide ongoing assistance to local agencies in determining possible mitigation measures for current or forecast noise problems;

(7) Make recommendations to the city council for modifications or amendments to this chapter to insure consistency with all state and federal laws and regulations, and as may otherwise be deemed appropriate;

(8) Administer noise program grants, funds and gifts from public and private sources, including the state and federal governments.