{"t": "Title 6 ANIMALS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6", "et": "container", "dj": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/index.json", "fh": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6/index.full.html", "sc": "Title 6", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6", "c": [{"t": "Chapter 6.04 DOGS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.04", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 6.04", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.04", "c": [{"t": "6.04.010 When dogs to be leashed.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.04.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 6.04.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.04|6.04.010", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.04.010#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.04.010(A)", "x": "Any person owning or possessing a dog must keep the dog on a leash not exce"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.04.010#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.04.010(B)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.04.010#(B)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.04.010(B)(1)", "x": "When the dog is on enclosed property with the consent of the owner, lessee,"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.04.010#(B)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.04.010(B)(2)", "x": "When the dog is assisting a peace officer who is engaged in law enforcement"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.04.010#(B)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.04.010(B)(3)", "x": "When the dog is a service animal, guide dog or Seeing-Eye dog used by a vis"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.04.010#(B)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.04.010(B)(4)", "x": "When the dog is assisting a duly authorized person in an official search an"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.04.010#(B)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.04.010(B)(5)", "x": "When the dog is participating in law enforcement training or demonstration "}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.04.010#(B)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.04.010(B)(6)", "x": "When the dog is in a designated off-leash area as designated by the city co"}], "x": "Exceptions. A dog may be unleashed under any of the following circumstances"}]}, {"t": "6.04.020 When dogs to be leashed\u2014Enforcement.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.04.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 6.04.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.04|6.04.020"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 6.12 BEEHIVES", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 6.12", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.12", "c": [{"t": "6.12.010 Definitions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 6.12.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.12|6.12.010"}, {"t": "6.12.020 Apiary best management practices.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 6.12.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.12|6.12.020", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12.020#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.12.020(A)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12.020#(A)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.12.020(A)(1)", "x": "Apiaries shall consist of moveable frame hives in sound and useable conditi"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12.020#(A)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.12.020(A)(2)", "x": "Apiaries shall be operated and maintained in accordance with best managemen"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12.020#(A)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.12.020(A)(3)", "x": "Apiaries shall be screened from neighboring dwellings and public walkways."}], "x": "Apiaries shall be permitted within the city consistent with all of the prov"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12.020#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.12.020(B)", "x": "The provisions of this chapter, however, shall not authorize the keeping of"}]}, {"t": "6.12.030 Right of entry for enforcement.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 6.12.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.12|6.12.030"}, {"t": "6.12.040 Violation\u2014Notice requirements.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 6.12.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.12|6.12.040", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12.040#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.12.040(A)", "x": "Any person owning, controlling or maintaining an apiary who violates any of"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12.040#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.12.040(B)", "x": "The order of abatement may be personally served, or if personal service can"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12.040#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.12.040(C)", "x": "If, in the commissioner's or code enforcement officer's opinion, the specif"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12.040#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.12.040(D)", "x": "In all other instances, the specified violations shall be corrected and aba"}]}, {"t": "6.12.050 Violation\u2014Remedies.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 6.12.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.12|6.12.050"}, {"t": "6.12.060 Compliance with state law.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.12.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 6.12.060", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.12|6.12.060"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 6.13 KEEPING OF ROOSTERS", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 6.13", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.13", "c": [{"t": "6.13.010 Purpose.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 6.13.010", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.13|6.13.010"}, {"t": "6.13.020 Definitions.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 6.13.020", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.13|6.13.020"}, {"t": "6.13.030 Rooster keeping.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 6.13.030", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.13|6.13.030", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.030#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.13.030(A)", "x": "The number of roosters that may be raised or kept on any property within th"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.030#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.13.030(B)", "x": "Rooster enclosures shall have a minimum setback from adjacent residences of"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.030#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.13.030(C)", "x": "This section shall not apply to commercial poultry ranches whose primary co"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.030#(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.13.030(D)", "x": "Each individual rooster beyond the rooster limitation in subsection A of th"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.030#(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.13.030(E)", "x": "No rooster may kept on property so that it constitutes a nuisance in accord"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.030#(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.13.030(F)", "x": "Nothing in the foregoing is to be construed as approving the keeping of any"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.030#(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.13.030(G)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.030#(G)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.13.030(G)(1)", "x": "Access to water and shelter from the elements (rain, wind, direct sun, etc."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.030#(G)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.13.030(G)(2)", "x": "Sufficient room to spread both wings fully and to be able to turn in a comp"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.030#(G)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.13.030(G)(3)", "x": "Clean and sanitary premises that are kept in good repair."}], "x": "At all times, roosters shall be provided:"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.030#(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.13.030(H)", "x": "The agricultural commissioner shall establish written standards necessary t"}]}, {"t": "6.13.040 Tethering prohibited.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 6.13.040", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.13|6.13.040"}, {"t": "6.13.050 Liability and enforcement.", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 6.13.050", "sp": "library|City of American Canyon, Cal., Code|6|6.13|6.13.050", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.050#(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.13.050(A)", "x": "Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guil"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.050#(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.13.050(B)", "x": "In addition to the penalties set forth in subsection A of this section, vio"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/ca/cities/american-canyon/code/6.13.050#(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 6.13.050(C)", "x": "The civil remedies and penalties provided by this subsection are cumulative"}]}]}]}