City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

6.12.040 Violation—Notice requirements.

(A) Any person owning, controlling or maintaining an apiary who violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be given notice thereof and an order to abate, either by the commissioner or any code enforcement officer. The order shall specify the violations of this chapter and conditions to be abated.

(B) The order of abatement may be personally served, or if personal service cannot be effectuated, then by both posting a copy of the order on the property and mailing a copy of the order by certified mail to the owner of the property.

(C) If, in the commissioner's or code enforcement officer's opinion, the specified violations constitute an immediate threat to the public's health and safety, the order shall provide the condi-

tions are to be corrected and abated within seventy-two hours of personal service or posting of the order.

(D) In all other instances, the specified violations shall be corrected and abated within fourteen days of personal service or posting of the order.