City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.21.070 Public, educational and government access channel capacity, interconnection, and signal carriage.

(A) PEG Channel Capacity.

(1) A state franchisee that has been authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission to provide video service in the city shall designate and activate three PEG channels within three months from the date that the city requests that the state franchisee designate and activate these PEG channels. However, this three-month period shall be tolled for such a period, and only for such a period, during which the state franchisee's ability to designate or provide such PEG capacity is technically infeasible, as provided in Section 5870(a) of the California Public Utilities Code.

(2) A state franchisee shall provide an additional PEG channel when the standards set forth in Section 5870(d) of the California Public Utilities Code are satisfied by the city or any entity designated by the city to manage one or more of the PEG channels.

(B) PEG Support.

(1) Amount of PEG Support Fee. Any state franchise holder operating within the city shall pay to the city a PEG fee equal to one percent of gross revenues.

(2) The PEG support fee shall be used for PEG purposes that are consistent with state and federal law.

(3) A state franchisee shall remit the PEG support fee to the city quarterly, within forty-five days after the end of each calendar quarter. Each payment made shall be accompanied by a report, detailing how the PEG support fee was calculated.

(4) To the extent that there is no conflict under state law, if a state franchisee fails to pay the PEG support fee when due, or underpays the proper amount due, the state franchisee shall pay a late payment charge at the rate per year equal to the highest prime lending rate during the period of delinquency, plus one percent.

(C) PEG Carriage and Interconnection.

(1) State franchisees shall ensure that all PEG channels are receivable by all subscribers, whether they receive digital or analog service, or a combination thereof, without the need for any equipment other than that needed to receive the lowest cost tier of service. PEG access capacity provided by a state franchisee shall be of similar quality and functionality to that offered by commercial channels (unless the PEG signal is provided to the state franchisee at a lower quality or with less functionality), shall be capable of carrying a National Television System Committee (NTSC) quality television signal, and shall be carried on the state franchisee's lowest cost tier of service. To the extend feasible, the PEG channels shall not be separated numerically from other channels carried on the lowest cost tier of service and the channel numbers for the PEG channels shall be the same channel numbers used by any incumbent cable operator, unless prohibited by federal law. After the initial designation of the PEG channel numbers, the channel numbers shall not be changed without the agreement of the city unless federal law requires the change.

(2) The holder of a state franchise and an incumbent cable operator shall negotiate in good faith to interconnect their networks for the purpose of providing PEG programming. If a state franchisee and an incumbent cable operator cannot reach a mutually acceptable interconnection agreement for PEG carriage, the city shall require the incumbent cable operator to allow the state franchisee to interconnect its network with the incumbent cable operator's network at a technically feasible point on the state franchisee's network as identified by the state franchisee. If no technically feasible point of interconnection is available, the state franchisee shall make interconnection available to each PEG channel originator programming a channel in the city and shall provide the facilities necessary for the interconnection. The cost of any interconnection shall be borne by the state franchisee requesting the interconnection unless otherwise agreed to by the parties.