City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.20.160 Books and records.

(A) Generally. Each cable communications system operator shall provide the city access to books and records related in whole or in part to the construction, operation, or repair of the cable communications system, or a group of systems of which the system is a part, so that the city may inspect and copy these books and records. The records shall include, but are not limited to, revenue records and other records related to compliance with any provision of this chapter or a franchise. A franchisee is responsible for obtaining or maintaining the necessary possession or control of all such books and records, so that it can produce the documents upon request. Books and records must be maintained for a period of five years, except that a franchise may specify a shorter period for certain categories of voluminous books and records where the information contained therein can be derived simply from other materials. The phrase "books and records" shall be read expansively to include information in whatever format stored.

(B) Production. Books and records requested shall be produced to the city by a time and at a location in the city designated by the city manager. However, if the requested books and records are too voluminous, or for security reasons cannot be copied and moved, then the franchisee may request that the inspection take place at some other location mutually agreed to by the city and the franchisee, provided that (1) the franchisee must make necessary arrangements for copying documents selected by the city after its review; and (2) the franchisee must pay all travel and additional copying expenses incurred by the city (above those that would have been incurred had the documents been produced in the city) in inspecting those documents or having those documents inspected by its designee.