City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.16.100 Appeal to council.

(A) Any interested person may appeal the decision of the police chief under this chapter to the council. Such appeal shall be taken by filing with the city clerk a written statement of the grounds for appeal no later than fourteen days after notice of the decision of permit denial, suspension, alteration, or revocation has been given.

(B) The city clerk shall set the appeal for hearing before the council and shall give five days written notice of the hearing to the applicant. In the event that the appeal is relative to an "owner" application, notice shall also be given to all existing licensed vehicle for hire businesses in the city. The council shall hear all interested parties and, if in its determination, public convenience requires the granting of the permit and that the granting of the permit to the applicant would be in the best interests of this city and its inhabitants, the council shall grant such permit. The council may deny a permit to any applicant on the grounds set forth in Section 5.16.090 of this chapter.