City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.16.030 Permit—Application required—Contents.

Application for a vehicle for hire permit shall be made to the city and shall contain the following information with respect to the applicant:

(A) A statement of whether applicant is the owner or driver, or both of a vehicle(s) for hire;

(B) Applicant's name, address, age and whether he or she is a citizen;

(C) Applicant's past experience in operating motor vehicles and names and addresses of his or her employers during the preceding three years;

(D) The number and type of existing driving licenses issued to applicant by the state Department of Motor Vehicles;

(E) Whether or not a license, issued up to applicant by such department, or any other governmental agency, has ever been revoked;

(F) A list of all crimes of which applicant has been convicted including misdemeanor traffic violations;

(G) If applicant is a driver, the name and address of the owner or the owners by whom he or she will be employed; and if the applicant is an owner, then the name and address of all drives whom he or she employs within the city;

(H) Number, kind, type and condition of vehicles to be operated;

(I) Location of off-street parking stands;

(J) The financial responsibility of the applicant and likelihood of the proposed service being permanent, responsible and satisfactory;

(K) Any additional information which may be required.